Occupation:Administrative Services Manager |
Location:San Mateo, CA |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:No |
High enery individual; Strong leadership and decision making skills; Confident -enjoys empowering employees; Provides thought leadership in solving business problems and identifying new market opportunities.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 9/2006 - Present |
IBM Corp - Channels Organization | (Confidential) | 3/2003 - 7/2005 |
IBM Corp - Channels | (Confidential) | 5/2000 - 3/2003 |
IBM Corp - Software Group | (Confidential) | 1/1997 - 5/2000 |

Central State University | Education; History | 1973 | Bachelor Degree |

- Consulted with Start-up Media Firm: Created strategy, business plan, corporate branding,and routes-to-market plan in preparation to seek venture capital funding.? Led SMB Portal Initiative: CEO initiative focused on $10B SMB market opportunity strategizing with AT&T executives; projected $689M IBM channel revenue the 1st year. Created and launched an integrated IT and IP solution available as SaaS or on-premise solution; providing integrateddesktop access to critical third party business applications. ? Restructured Channel Ecosystem: Developed strategy and executed the restructure of channel marketing and sales processes and web services: developed sales tools and processes to align direct and channel sales teams in front of the customer; reduced channel conflict, resulting in a $3B increase in revenue sold through the channel. IBM attained #1 position in channel support.? Aligned Channel Communications: Created strategy to re-engineered all communications to the channel: eliminated 100’s of separate brand tactics; created a single on demandcommunication program. Reduced partner administrative staff by 12%; reduced IBM expense by 29% and personnel by 13%.? Launched SMB Channel Incentives: Launched SMB channel enablement programs and incentives. SMB revenue tracked through the channel grew 20% in high priority industries and 14% overall. ? e-Commerce Deployment: Directed worldwide deployment of e-commerce ordering tool;reduced order defects by 32%; order cycle time by 14 days and increased revenue through the ordering tool from $14B to $17.9B. ? Increased 3rd Party Applications by 1000s: Developed business case, tactical plan, launched and managed day-to-day operations of first cross-platform porting and marketing centers. Third party applications available to customers on IBM hardware and software grew from 30 to over 10 thousand.? E Marketing: Executed on-line marketing and advertising programs to recruit 30 thousand software developers. IBM influence revenue from software developers grew from $17M to$950M.? Grew Hardware Revenue: Grew IBM hardware revenue sold with Oracle 24%; Sybase 30%; and Informix 27% in the first year.? Influenced Revenue Growth: Over achieved targeted Tier 2 and 3 software developer influenced revenue by 24% for IBM hardware and software marketed through ISV’s.? Led Acquisition Strategy: One of ten ROLM employees selected to create IBM acquisition and integration strategy of ROLM into IBM. ? Marketing Strategies ? Channel Marketing / Management ? Lead Generation Programs ? SEO/E-Marketing ? Business Development ? Communication StrategiesCompanies I like:
Google, Business Objects, Yahoo, Salesforce.com, Jackbe, Everdream,

Job Skills


Led the maket research and business case for the creation of a new integrated solution from IBM and AT&T. Led the creation of a new software as a service solution solution for small and medium business customers.