SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS * Pro-active in problem solving. * Bachelors of Science - Electrical Engineering with post-graduate credits hours (4.0/4.0 GPA) towards continuing education Engineering Technology Science Master's degree. * Over nineteen years' experience as a Telecommunications Design/Optimization Radio Frequency Engineer which include managing, monitoring, planning, and troubleshooting analog (AMPS/Paging) and digital (CDMA, FDMA, GSM, ITC, PCS, TDMA) wireless networks and systems, specifically within CGSA markets using Lucent Technologies', Motorola, and Nortel Networks' infrastructure GSM familiarity/vendor training, as well as, recent UMTS file conversion, research, and training. * Advanced knowledge of and/or experience with CDMA 2000 - 1XRTT, EVDO, and LTE implementation and integration, which includes data collection and analysis. LAN, 802.11 b/g/n, and 802.16 a/d/e distributed architecture standards research and testing. * Extensive knowledge of computers (hardware and software) and system applications. Knowledge of Actix - Nov 2008 Release, Agilent E6474 Scanner, C/C++, Delorme X Map, Ellipse, Ethereal/WireShark, Exceed/Hummingbird 8.0, Falcon, GeoAdmin, GeoPlan, IDA II, Invex 3G 4.10, MS Streets & Trips 2014, MapInfo 15.2, MS Office Pro Plus 2013, Planet EV, Mentum Planet 5.8, Procomm Plus, Prospect, Siterra, UNIX, Vallent/WatchMark, Visual Basic, WindCatcher 2.60, Wizard, and XNG installation, operation, and theory of Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite navigational devices with Dead Reckoning capabilities. * Over eight years' experience as a Retail Manager/Sales Consultant with the ability to identify opportunities, develop action plans or presentations, and improve operations/profitability or overall service to customers. * Four years experience as an OTC/Floor Manager working for a nationwide pharmaceutical chain achieving and planning company goals/objectives through business-to-business/consumer sales. * Ability to work with minimal supervision, as a cooperative team member or to provide technical guidance. * Strong analytical, communications, leadership, multitasking, and written skills. * Detail-oriented, self-motivated work style, with an ability to master and implement new skills quickly. Experienced with Alcatel-Lucent equipment and software, Radio Frequency design, and Verizon Wireless practices (as previous 6-yr full-time employee), which include build plan, antenna, selection, capacity and PN planning. Responsible for the Northbrook, Illinois area network build-out of new sites as part of the overall Chicago system. Duties consisted of assisting with site visits, generating EV-DO shapefiles and maps using MapInfo 8.0, submitting Translation Change Notices (TCNs)/workorders by means of ConVerge and Xng VZW in-house software. Used GeoAdmin and Geoplan design and planning tool to complete FAA/FCC datasheet filings/tasks. Key accomplishments: * Produced MapInfo CellTool/SiteSee designs to ensure RF NEPA, FCC, and FAA compliance. * Provided zoning testimony support.

