balances * Presented by the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development ('DYCD') and the Division of Mental Hygiene ('DOHMH') to audit their agencies. Managed planning for 15 cases in one week. * Reviewed client's daily accounts to gain insight into their operation process, assessed internal control risk and evaluated the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls. * Identified and investigated discrepancies between General Ledger and Monthly Fiscal Report to audit fraud. * Collaborated with supervisor on daily work progress and prepared five comprehensive written reports in three weeks including findings, questionable costs and recommendations for over 10 corporation clients defined misstatements and conducted entry adjustments. * Provided bookkeeping services for corporations in industries of real estate finance and retail with QuickBooks including invoice and purchase orders payroll system records. * Independently prepared over 100 individual and corporate tax returns with Ultra Tax. * Individual tax consulting on deductions credits and refund and filed tax returns for individual and business clients

