SUMMARY I have over thirty years of experience in engineering construction/environmental projects, providing management, supervision, and technical support for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and private- sector clients in the United States and also Internationally. Areas of expertise include civil/mechanical engineering design and field services for construction projects, development of technical specifications and contract and subcontract management. Manage project development activities Project engineer working in the department of Housing & Community Development resposible of the remedial investigations process, remedial designs, and remedial actions of various projects for the USEPA such as the remedial action of the Former firestone Superfund Site in Memhis, T.N. Remedial activities started in the summer of 1997 and were completed by the summer of 2001 at an estimated cost of $7 million. Work consists of the preparation and implementation of four design packages, namely: site preparation, railroad relocation, source remediation (30,000 cy) via soil washing treatment and groundwater remediation by means of a pump and treat system. Contaminants include PAHs, VOCs, and heavy metals. As project engineer, I interfaced with USEPA, other regulatory agencies, and subcontractor personnel. Resposibility also included Asbestos and Lead Based Paint inspection and abatement, waste materials handling and disposal. field operations and procurement of contracts. Smoke stack testing visible emissions reading and air permitting. Provide expertise in Title 40 EPA Test Methods and performance specifications. Developing and implementing safety programs to prevent or correct unsafe environmental working conditions. Duties include draft environmental permit applications permit modifications and regulatory driven periodic reports. Provide general environmental permit management support of Resource conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Clean Water Act (CWA) Clean Air Act (CAA) and other local state and federal permits.

