QUALIFICATIONS * 16 years of end-to-end technology acquisition and implementation efforts. * 16 years negotiating contracts and managing third-party relationships, risks, and responsibilities. * 14 years performing technical, operational, and business project management. * 12 years of direct end-customer, support, advocacy, and consulting. * 12 years as a leader formalizing enterprise product, service, technology, and operational vision. * 12 years bridging business objectives with technological and operational strategies. * 10 years of establishing and managing Service Level Agreements (SLA's). * 9 years of managing software production support for up to 80 applications at one time. * 9 years of experience performing end-to-end third party governance and vendor management. * 8 years managing application development priorities in a highly demanding entrepreneurial environment. * 8 years as a program manager over serval portfolios of technology development implementations (full SDLC). * 8 years of governance, risk, and regulatory compliance management. * 8 years creating new organizations and restructuring existing organizations. * 8 years of working in innovative, small business, entrepreneurial environments wearing multiple hats daily. * 7 years documenting and redesigning business, technological and operational processes. * 7 years developing Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Business Continuity Plans (BCP). * 7 years establishing strategic partnerships to provide new products and services. * 5 years managing systems development, hardware and software budgets in excess of $5 million. * 5 years managing agile development processes and implementations. * 3 years leading the development effort of Cloud, Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Strategic Planning and Leadership Objectives * Provided executive technology and operational consulting to a start-up business in support of determining which products and services the company should be providing, leading to annual revenue growth of 55% (Work History #1.3). * Collaboratively developed the strategies and supporting objectives to take an established, wholly manual business unit, and automate 80% of its operational processes over a period of 7 years (Work History #8). * Engaged in executive strategic planning efforts in order to take business strategies and in-turn develop then execute the enterprise technology strategic plan (Work History #5-7). Technology Development and Production Management * Developed and implemented 24 new software applications in order to decrease the number of total production applications by 30%, through consolidating functionality and normalizing data (Work History #2-3). * Managed the 24x7 production support of 170 applications and related databases interfacing with dependent technical infrastructure peer organizations for 600 corporate customers and 85,000 end consumers. (Work History #2). * Performed all hardware and software system administration, maintenance, and end-user support for midrange platform and network server based financial systems (Work History #8). Program and Project Management (full itemized list of over 20 efforts available upon request) * Led Proficio Bank Core System Replacement, Data Migration, Managed Services, and Loan Service Provider (LSP) vendor analysis, selections, and solution implementation efforts (Work History #1.1). * Led Commercial Loan Operations Consolidation - Middle Office integration efforts (7 projects) (Work History #1.2). * Wholesale Deposit Electronification Program of 32 individual projects with up to 17 simultaneous projects, a total budget of $20 million, with the largest individual project budget being $4 million (Work History #4). * Responsible for technology project initiation efforts for any projects being originated across all of Wholesale Banking. (Work History #5) Business Cases, Requests for Proposal (RFP), and RFP Responses * Wrote 21 business cases justifying a total of $12 million in cost saving opportunities, of which 16 were approved and executed with $7 million of forecasted savings realized within 3 years (Work History #4 and #7). * RFP response (8 month effort), incorporating the input from three other partner companies, that resulted in the award of a $140 million contract for new software development and support work (Work History #1.3). * Wrote a total of 12 RFP responses from 2010 to 2014 at an average of 35 pages per response for software products and services totaling $23 million (Work History #1.3). Process Analysis and Business Intelligence * Analyzed the contract writing and documentation process at 130 Department of Veteran Affairs offices across the U.S., made 27 improvement recommendations and presented them to executive management in Washington DC for adoption (Work History #1.3). * Using the Lean Six Sigma methodology, analyzed and documented the interagency agreement process at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) then created a new process to manage it and establish cross-government agency changes to improve it (Work History #1.3). * Analyzed 20-30 separate operational processes and made decisions regarding which ones to keep, restructure, sunset or merge in order to service over 85,000 end consumer customers (Work History #3). * Worked across peer technology and operational organizations to analyze and amend existing processes and establish new processes in order to implement clearing deposits using remotely captured images instead of paper items. (Work History #4) Vendor Management, Acquisition Evaluation, Merger Integration, Strategic Partnerships and Joint Ventures * Established new, strategic, vendor management program with new policies and procedures. Consolidated or terminated vendors (from 800 down to 160). Performed over 400 due-diligence assessments of existing vendors. (Work History 1.1) * Conducted the merger integration work to bring First Security Bank's Business Banking operations and technology into Wells Fargo. Managed the termination effort for First Security Bank's Business Banking IT vendors. (Work History #6) * Established a joint venture between Centeva, Universal Consulting Services (UCS), IPNS Inc, and TConneX to acquire $140 million in new software development and support work at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Work History #1.3) * Conducted senior level analysis in support of a Vendor Management implementation effort which covered in excess of 3,000 vendors of which approximately 150 were rated mission critical (Work History #5) * Performed Corporate Trust operational due-diligence for acquisition of First National Bank. (Work History #8)

