$11.3M, $3.3M (Abbreviated list) The project was a lump sum PBC project that involved a PCE plume investigation, remedial design and Project Manager CSXT ($1M+) implementation of corrective action plan. This project Managed 22 projects in the Southeast for CSXT with was assigned to me by the vice-president of Shaw many due to train derailments or releases. Worked Environmental and Infrastructure with instructions to with HSRA and other State agencies to close out investigate how to reduce Shaw's liabilities. Due to releases. Managed all transportation and disposal of poor remediation technology choices and poor remediated material and reconstruction of the technical project oversight the chosen remediation derailment site. techniques did not substantially affect the plume to the degree that would meet the contract required Program Manager, Debris Monitoring, Washington compound specific reductions. After a review of the data it was determined that an additional 20 years of Monitor Debris removal program for the Parish to monitoring would be required at this site not including verify FEMA compliance. This project had over 200,000 additional treatment costs to meet the project hours without a lost time or first aid injury using over contractual goals. I was able after approximately a 250 local hire personnel. The project was awarded the year of negotiations with the client and two North $35,000. These agreements saved Shaw an estimate $2M 18001 (now OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001) Occupational expenditures. Health and Safety Management System for several

