SUMMARY: Responsible Test Engineer (RTE) for Boeing/ Rockwell, with 20 plus years of combined laboratory experience, managing /supervising projects from design, development, test, and production integration in the aerospace industry. Projects include Shuttle components and/or sub systems, GPS satellite testing /integration, GBI Kill vehicle testing/integration, numerous Independent Research & Development (IR&D) projects, Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) and proprietary projects within my Boeing / Rockwell career. Senior Test engineer responsibilities include overall integration of test hardware and systems as well as instrumentation transducer/sensor, checkout (i.e. strain gages, accelerometers), data analysis and generating final test reports. Willing to Work extended /Various Shifts and Travel With technical skills in the following disciples: * Cryogenics (LH2, LN2, LNe, LHe, LO2) * Pneumatic * Hypergolic (N2O4, MMH) * Ordnance (Explosive Primary & secondary Charges) * Space Craft Integration (electrical, Plumbing, Signal processing) * Reviewed Fluid Systems Design * Pressure Vessel Design * Managed/Conducted Clean Room Operations * Drafted Test Integration Procedures * Authored Detail Planning Procedures * Assembled and Authored Test Agency Reports

