EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: IT Project Manager/Business Analyst with experience in a wide range of IT software and infrastructure activities such as, application development, conversions, implementations, requirements, story backlogs and portfolio management. Excellent communication skills and experience communicating across all levels of management including 'C' level managers. Career has spanned a wide range of businesses including financials, mortgages, banking/treasury, insurance, medical billing, wholesale distribution, eComm applications, oncology trials and on-line testing applications. Summary: The GMAC wholesale lending team is a part of GMAC residential mortgage. Responsibilities: . Performed systems analysis and remediation on business computing tools such as Access databases and enhance spreadsheets, per a federal consent order. ING Direct, Wilmington, DE (12/2009 - 3/2011) CONSULTANT - BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST Summary: Hired to work on the mortgage side of the bank's portfolio. Responsibilities: ING Direct adheres to a strict Agile methodology. Created, groomed, prioritized and story pointed Agile stories for (3) mortgage sprint teams. Assisted in automating interactions between Fannie Mae and the Empower LOS application. Performed duties to facilitate changes to the ING Direct Web site. Summary: Hired to manage the tasks associated with closing the NYC data center and implementing the ATG eCommerce application. Responsibilities: Managed NYC data center closure. Managed the opening a new Datacenter and implementation the ATG eComm application. Managed infrastructure builds and application configurations for 3 development environments for ATG eComm web application. Managed the build of a full stage environment of back office, 14 applications, associated servers and SAN storage allocation. Managed infrastructure build for Order Management System, Dev, Stage and Prod instances. Managed 2 vendors (ATG and USI), Nutrisystems support staff and 5 contractors (2) PMs, (1) BA, (1) Technical Writer, (1) ATG Technical Lead who were needed to supplement the Nutrisystems applications support team. Summary: Hired to modify the existing mortgage applications to be FHA compatible. Responsibilities: Short term contract to manage the project to prepare the in-house and third party mortgage systems to process FHA loans. The project team included in-house resources, offshore developers and third party organizations. The team was responsible for modifying the retail applications and wholesale applications, and utilized the Agile project management methodology. Delivered changes to the in-house wholesale applications via 4 sprints executed between January and mid-March 2008. Summary: Computer Aid Inc., (CAI) won a contract with the city of New York to automate the civil service examinations for the Bureau of Examinations (BOE). Responsibilities: Planned, organized and ran requirements gathering meetings with the assistant commissioner of examinations and his staff to understand and document the current business and technical processes used to create, deliver and score civil examinations. Managed user training, including application installations, and organized the user acceptance testing. Worked in tandem with the technical manager using Agile methodologies to create and deliver product to NYC. There were 6 sprints executed between December 2006 and May of 2007. Managed a small team post implementation to define, test and code new functionality that was discovered during the requirements stage but was not included in the contract. De Lage Landen, Wayne, PA (3/2006 - 8/2006) CONSULTANT - BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST Summary: De Lage Landen (DLL) was installing the Oracle ERP application with the Oracle OLM module. Responsibilities: Short term contract to create activity and process flow diagrams to complete the custom front office functional specifications and gap requirements. The engagement entailed scheduling and running meetings with the functional specification and gap owners in order to ensure the flows match the intended process. Summary: Merrill Lynch's retirement web site, Benefits On-Line also has an advice feature. The advice feature is used to help participants create and maintain retirement portfolios based on the participant's risk tolerance, age, current savings and estimated money required for retirement. Responsibilities: Performed analysis and wrote programming specifications for the Retirement Group's Benefits On-Line Advice Access application. Summary: National City Mortgage Corp. was implementing the Empower mortgage application to replace their legacy LOS. Responsibilities: Shortt term contract to Facilitate data mapping from Empower to the legacy LOS systems, the downstream applications and the new data warehouse. Hired and managed a team consisting of (3) BAs, (2) business SMEs and (2) data mappers and (2) Access developers. The primary deliverable was the corporate wide data dictionary. Summary: The GMAC wholesale lending team is a part of GMAC residential mortgage. Responsibilities: Managed and write requirements for a critical business-to-business initiative. The project (Advanced Link to Lender) enables mortgage correspondents and mortgage brokers to register and update loans on the GMAC wholesale lending system from the Fannie Mae Desktop Originator system. Primary role was to manage the relationship with Fannie Mae's technical team, manage the GMAC project IT staff, manage testing, complete the use cases, identify and solve risks and issues and provide accurate and timely updates to the GMAC IT management team. GMAC extended the contract and the role shifted to managing and performing analysis on enterprise projects and wholesale lending releases. Summary: A leading provider of private mortgage insurance and credit enhancement insurances. Responsibilities: Member of Radian's PMO. Member of Radian's original 'Project Blueprint' team that was formed to fortify the legacy MI application. Member of Radian's IT core team for disaster recovery. Member of the myRadian Team of Peers to rewrite the legacy PMI system. Member of the Radian team that formed Radian Insurance Inc. Radian Insurance Inc. was formed to expand the insurance business from monocline PMI to other areas of insurance including HELOCs and second mortgages. Managed all PMI pricing projects from 1999 - 2000 Managed bulk deals with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae for the Capital Markets team. Managed System improvements for Radian's risk, credit policy team, claims and default teams. Managed MyRadian team to collect requirements (UML format) for MI application ordering, as part of the legacy rewrite Managed implementation of an intrusion detection system. Managed Oracle upgrades Program Manager for all Financial Applications * The implementation of PeopleSoft's ERP financials version 8.0 service pack 2 for the NY and the Philadelphia offices. Hired and administratively managed the Radian technical staff. Managed the PeopleSoft consultants and Reported directly to the CIO. * The implementation of XRT Treasury application. * The implementation of the ADP eTime payroll time entry system. * Upgrades of capital markets application - CAMRA * The implementation of the Front Capitol application. Summary: Maxwell System is a software company that authors, sells and installs its own job cost accounting application tailored for the construction industry. Responsibilities: Joined Maxwell as a custom developer responsible for customizing the job cost accounting package. Promoted to the development team in 1996. Duties were related to coding projects needed to support the (3) yearly releases. All developers at Maxwell provided production support and were expected to fully document, and test projects prior to delivery. Summary: Users Incorporated is a technology company that authors, sells and installs its own credit union software. Users has since been purchased by Fiserv. Responsibilities: Joined Users in the conversion programming team. Conversion programmers are responsible for analyzing and converting new customer databases to the Users' Datasafe database. The conversion programming team was responsible for delivering a fully tested and balanced application to the customer. The job included traveling up to (4) times per year. Transferred to the application development group in 1993, and was promoted to technical team lead for the loan origination team. Administratively managed a team consisting of (2) full time employees and a full time consultant. Role was to manage the developers and ensure all loan origination projects were completed with quality and in a timely fashion. Users Inc., development staff practiced a formal SDLC. Compudata, Philadelphia, PA (1987 to 1990) FULLTIME SR. PROGRAMMER ANALYST Summary: Compudata is a technology company that specializes in supporting and developing custom solutions for a variety of business applications. Responsibilities: Managed, analyzed and programmed solutions for (2) of Compudata's largest customers. One customer was a medical imaging and billing company. The second company was an industrial uniform company. Managed other programmers on long-term projects. Production support, documentation, full testing, requirements and customer training were responsibilities for all programmers. Summary: Logical Systems was a small technology company that customized and supported accounting software and hardware for a variety wholesale distributors and accounting firms. Responsibilities: The application included sales, accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing, general ledger, inventory and payroll. Primary role was to support and customize the application.

