PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY_______________________________________________________________________ Four decades of experience as a policy analyst in the executive and legislative branches, and as an investigative reporter. Expertise in the legislative and regulatory processes, Congressional relations, policy development, and communications. Skilled writer, public speaker, coalition builder, policy analyst, testimony writer, and legislative analyst. Outstanding networking and interpersonal skills. Master's Degree in Journalism from Northwestern University and bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois-Chicago and. Participant in Harvard's Kennedy School of Government Senior Managers in Government program. REPRESENTATIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS:_____________________________________________________________ * Project Management: Oversaw joint Israeli-Egyptian-American agricultural research program as a follow - up to the Camp David accords. Managed international exchanges to help improve productivity for American farmers, increased use of American soybean oil in Taiwan and reduced wheat disease through an exchange with India. Co-chaired bilateral agricultural scientific agreements with Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. * Congressional Staff Leadership: Led efforts in the U.S. Senate to expand federal tax credits for ethanol by 20 percent. Organized hearing on Brazilian ethanol program, after visiting the country under sponsorship of the Organization of American States. * Executive Branch Initiative: Helped secure the prestigious White House "Closing the Circle Award" for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration use of 100 percent biodiesel for its Great Lakes research fleet. Senior NOAA officials attended the awards ceremony which generated favorable press attention. * Creative Project Implementation: Successfully implemented idea of using live trees from Christmas tree plantations on reclaimed strip coal mines at Christmas Pageant of Peace. Effort was mentioned by President George H.W. Bush. * Conference Planning: Organized Department of Energy conference which drew a record attendance with registrants from 46 states and 23 foreign countries. The conference featured high-level Administration and Congressional speakers.

