Accomplishments Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 Executive Director Employees Supervised 20 4/2016 - 7/2016 Carbon County Library System 215 W. Buffalo Street Rawlins, WY 82301 307-328-2618 Created a workable budget during a time of financial hardship with a mandated reduction in funding of 28% in an eight library system. Led a concerted public awareness campaign of library finances and the need for 569 Seattle, WA Master's Degree Library & Built a cooperative team environment uniting all facilities into a cohesive county Information Science library system. Bachelor of Arts Degree Laid the foundation for networking all locations. Textile Design Obtained grants for energy lighting project, refurbishment of the juvenile collection and to provide a year-long series of humanities programs. Each program was Oklahoma State University customized to the interests of the local residents while remaining a part of the 3 years coursework in system-wide series. Microbiology Developed a special interest program for veterans to share experiences of war. - 2802 Negotiated an increase of $2.5 million on a FEMA consolidated content project including a favorable change allowable expenditures. Developed policies and procedures for all facets of the organization. Developed customized training programs in partnership with the State Library of Louisiana programs and the local Work Source agency. Developed oral history project recording what life was like before the hurricanes made landfall and captured historical building projects local residents designed. Managed a $6.1 million capital building project working with FEMA parish administrators architects contractors and vendors.

