Experience Summary Mr. Swystun has over 30 years of technical expertise, particularly in the Enterprise Architecture and Data Architecture focus areas. Throughout his career, he has supported a number of IC, DoD, Government, and commercial clients. Mr. Swystun has also taught university level Database, Data Modeling, and Certified Oracle courses during which time he published over 20 technical articles on those subjects. Mr. Swystun has been responsible for the successes of some notable and high visibility projects for the IC sponsor as well as other IC customers. In his current role as Chief Data Architect, from the analytics and data management group within Hewlett-Packard United States Public Sector (HP USPS), his work and skills are well known where he is often sought for his applied innovative technological solutions. He incorporates HP HAVEn Architecture (Hadoop, Autonomy, Vertica, Enterprise Security and Integration, data management, data governance and master data management for HP USPS customers. Mr. Swystun has experience with Erwin, ER/Data Architect, ER/Business Architect, IBM's Rational, Oracle's Designer and Data Modeler. He has used these data modelling tools on a variety of projects to capture the data requirements for existing databases (by reverse engineering) and the creation of new databases. In either methodology special attention is devoted to the database for knowledge management, data analysis, data governance and master data management purposes. Mr. Swystun has managed the meta data (domain, description, characteristics, definition) of the databases with the use of these tools and storing the metadata in the tool's repository and has created extracts (views, stored procedures) from the repositories to interface with other metadata management applications. Mr. Swystun has used conceptual, logical, physical and sub-models to create level set understanding of the database landscape (requirements, environment). The results proved useful in discussing design, change requests and business process flows. A few of the many projects that Mr. Swystun supported: (SPOT, DLA, FUSION) there was an additional requirement which leveraged the relational database to create an additional data warehouse (e.g. data mart, analytical data store) for predictive analytics, current analytics and scenarios. For the SPOT project, the data warehouse supported a world-wide community end user base, which included high profile requests from: SOCOM, CENTCOM, AFRICOM, and The White House. For the DLA, FUSION projects, analytical user support included 100's of analysts supporting logistical metrics and forecasting. Mr. Swystun has been responsible for creating the data model for these data warehouses (SPOT, DLA Fusion). He created various ETL processes to the data warehouses from the relational data store and other sources, either through ETL or web interfaces. Mr. Swystun, created the verifying procedures to measure data quality. For the Integrated Fusion Command Center 2008 - 2010, Mr. Swystun led the evaluation of database development and integration for a Crisis Management Center. Some of the project's Strategic Objectives were monitoring real time events and alerts, situational awareness, disaster monitoring, and rapid response. Some of the project's Tactical Objectives were drill and exercise preparation and execution. For the TRAILBLAZER project where Mr. Swystun was the lead Database Architect for Ingest to Rest, Interface the Common Cryptological Data Model (CCDM), ETL, and support the 1 st phase entity extraction.

