PLATINUM ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS // PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT - DATA SCIENCE & BIG DATA (MARCH 2014 - PRESENT) A Data Science Systems Integrator with end-to-end experience in machine learning/predictive analytics systems from ground up. Deep understanding of the technical and functional issues in implementing machine learning algorithms that include Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Collaborative Filtering Ensemble Methods Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and others. Key Use Cases include: * Sentiment Analysis for retail brands derived from product review & Social Media utilizing Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifiers. * Click Stream data analysis and Predictive Analytics for online retailing on a Spark SQL/Spark Ml platform. * Real-time Anomaly Detection system to detect contamination in common day-to-day substances like alcohol gasoline cooking oil etc. utilizing a portable Raman Spectrometer mobile device and cloud infrastructure. Digit recognition/Image Processing utilizing Artificial Neural Networks on Matlab. Experience with the Hadoop ecosystem MapReduce HDFS Pig Hive and Spark. * Analytical data pipelines to port data in and out of Hadoop/HDFS from structured and unstructured sources. * Utilized Apache Spark with Python to develop and execute Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Predictive applications executed Machine Learning use cases under Spark ML. * Designed and developed BI reports and dashboards using Tableau.

