This This project required the design of a facility which developed Toyota Prototypes which were the cars of the future. It was in a sense a small fabrication plant, paint plant which built the prototypical vehicles for the US market. The electrical system required three substations with draw-out circuit breakers, arc flash mitigation, The feeders served multiple switchboards and distribution boards for the various parts of the plant. Facility included a car wash, vehicle work area, class 1 division 2 and division 2 locations, grounding. Facility included a telecom MDF, UPS, telecom racks, telecom infrastructure, raised floor with underfloor distribution. project required an upgrade of three data centers housing approximately 120 servers to a total of 320 servers. The loads on most to the servers were at 5kW per rack with some running at 10kW per rack. The upgrade occurred on the second floor of the building and it had test facilities and offices scattered throughout. The task was to determine the existing load project the new load and design the distribution system for all of the new CRACs and PDUs being installed on the floor. The design included UPS backup frequency converter for 50 Hz loads fire alarm consisting of VESDA fire alarm spot detectors fire suppression system visitor alert system door annunciators card access control and grounding. Racks were assigned letters and numbers for ease of identification. All equipment was dual corded. Other work included a remote site data center power upgrade. This facility was a highly technical facility with extensive computer classrooms research laboratories server rooms and Living Laboratory. I served as lead electrical design engineer for the design of the University of Information and Technology Facility and Center for Arts for Sciences Facility. Project included the design of the electrical power distribution primary and secondary low voltage lighting lighting controls telecommunications infrastructure audio visual coordination a fire alarm. Design included the concept of a Living Lab which is microcosm of a facility within a facility which consists of four labs with different lighting and power technologies and electrical metering to measure the energy used to power the technologies. Design included feeder and selected branch circuit metering energy efficient transformers LED lighting in common and circulation area and linear fluorescents with automatic controls day lighting and occupancy sensors. The design of this facility involved segregating all of the loads on the existing electrical panels into those loads that were critical life safety equipment and normal. After segregation of the loads developed the electrical spaces needed to distribute power via bus-duct and life safety feeders to each floor. Sorted loads on panel schedules to get electrical circuits on the electrical distribution system required by the electrical code. Developed the specifications electrical panel schedules demolition notes existing panel schedules and sort panel schedules. Responsible for dividing up and assigning loads to new critical life safety and equipment and normal power panels. Architect laid out electrical closets in a semi stacked configuration. Biggest challenge was routing busduct horizontally across the congested corridors to get to rooms that were not stacked. Surveyed building to find unobstructed horizontal routings for the bus duct. SIDRA Medical Campus Education City Doha Qatar The design of this $7.9B facility complex included a 1.0 MSF medical center clinic building nursing residence central utility plant and parking structure. The facility required the installation of 11kV primary distribution 240/415 secondary distribution systems 3,3 kV medium voltage distribution to chilled water units and 4ea 2000 KW generators in an N+1 parallel configuration. The telecommunications and low voltage systems were originally scheduled to be designed by a consultant. Due to budget concerns the scope and 80% of the $5M budget was captured by Ellerbe Beckett with the remainder doled out to a low voltage systems consultant. A responsibility matrix was developed on the low voltage systems and the work divided on an 80/20 basis.. This 2.2 million SF building is undergoing the first complete phased utility infrastructure modernization and renovation since its construction in 1931. Currently in Phase 3 this project was initiated with preparation of a master plan focused on phased construction selection of the telecommunications and security systems. The telecommunications design included the pathways spaces and cabling to support the USDA information systems. The complete structured cabling system consisted of a fiber optic backbone copper riser cabling and horizontal category 5E cabling capable including secure and non-secure networks. The security system design included access control card readers video intercoms walk-through metal detectors intrusion detection. Responsible for the design of the Mail Screening Facility which included: electronic parcel and package surveillance access controls duress alarms video intercoms mantraps to maintain pressurization egress controls automatic door operators with release pushbuttons for mail carts emergency alerting system and a digital closed circuit television system. Participated in the Phoenix Project which was an extremely fast-tracked rebuilding of the portion of Wedge 1 & Wedge 2 damaged by terrorist activity on September 11 2001. This building was damaged during the 9/11 terrorist attack and required the complete replacement of the security system. The project was completed in 10 months and included the security and telecommunications systems. The telecommunications design included pathways and spaces to support red (secure) and black (standard) communications systems. The security design included security access egress controls and lockdown for the perimeter doors and the various suites inside the building. The design included mortise locks on the suite doors magnetic locks on the exterior doors card readers balanced magnetic switches power hinges and a telephone at the door. Overseas The design effort includes surveying the buildings and determining the condition of these facilities to sustain an environmental attack. The building was surveyed by an MEP team to determine the condition and capacity of the building systems including but not limited to the air handling system building pressurization normal electrical distribution emergency power distribution UPS systems building automation systems fire detection systems and life safety alarm systems. The design included a facility system assessment pressurization study environmental upgrade and electrical upgrade to provide the needed environmental protection. Responsible for the design of the electrical and telecommunications systems for a 28 building privately funded new university campus. The design included a central plant administration building arts and social sciences engineering and natural sciences library performing arts language center sports center student union daycare center faculty housing student housing presidents house and observation tower. Responsible for the design of the 35KV and 10 KV medium voltage power distribution 4 ea 2500 KVA 10 KV generators and transfer switchgear and distribution distribution of the 10KV medium voltage distribution in tunnels between the buildings 3.3KV power for the chillers double-ended substations and low voltage distribution in each of the buildings. Also responsible for the design of an electric power management system where the operator could call up displays of the single lines in the central plant and in each building and view the circuits that were in operation (identified in red) and view the circuits that were not in operation (identified in blue). Additionally was responsible for the design of the voice data video and audio-visual closed circuit television and security systems in each of the buildings. The voice system consisted of a distributed PBX switching system with three nodes located in the library engineering and natural sciences and the student union. The data communications system consisted of a Gigabit Ethernet (GE) with switches located in each of the telecom rooms on campus. The design included closed circuit television with monitoring at a central security control room in the central plant access controls egress controls and electronic article surveillance (library). For this project the U.S. standard A-E master specifications were revised to incorporate International Electro-technical Commission (IED) and International Standard Organization (ISO) standard for construction. Over 60 specifications were converted and modified to accept European standards and products and formatted to accept unit price schedules Responsible for the design of the security system for the U.S. Army Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Directorate Research and Engineering Facility which included an integrated electronic intrusion detection and access control system. The security system design included intrusion detection including glass break sensors on the windows balanced magnetic switches on the doors dual-tech combination passive infrared microwave sensors in the spaces. The facility also included access controls consisting of scrambled pin swipe devices on doors leading to high security spaces and swipe devices on doors leading to low security spaces. Door egress controls included touch bar releases request-to-exit pushbuttons or passive infrared sensors. Design included local monitoring of the secure spaces during duty hours and remote monitoring of the secure spaces at the military police building after duty hours.

