Occupation:Human Resources Assistant |
Location:Dry Run, PA |
Education Level:Associate |
Will Relocate:YES |
Career Summary - Human resources, health & safety coordinator, previous MSHA trainer, OSHA 10 hour general industry course, Class A CDL w/hazmat endorsement, Truck driver/Lease/owner operator - Blackjack Transportation - leased team driver for Swift Transportation -drove from January 2012 to March 2016 - successful business operation - Swift - 2200 S 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85043-610-269-9700 (worked for Douglas Fries) driver code FRIDO1 truck#130507 Health & Safety Coordinator/Human Resource Asst to VP - Eastern Industries 4401 Camp Meeting Road Suite 200 Center Valley, PA 18034 -610-866-0932 *Participated as an active member of the management & development Team *Aligned HR initiatives with business needs. *Collaborated in the planning, development and management of human resource initiatives that enable achievement of business strategic/operational goals. *Engaged business executives and management in talent planning and assessment, culture enhancement, productivity growth, learning/development, performance management, compensation/benefits and employee relations. *Developed and implemented an appropriate salary structure, and HR policies and processes to include supervisory training and leadership development. * Established a meaningful performance management program that creates accountability, coached & improved levels of performance. Eastern Industries - 1996 - 2005 HR also appointed to the Stabler Grassroots team *Mission To Increase the Participation in and Understanding of the political Issues by Stabler employees, which affect the prosperity of our industry and company. Became team leader in 1999 - Lobbied State and Federal Legislators to improve revenue enhancement, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Tina Pickett, Sandra Major, Roger Madigan, Don Sherwood, Tim Holden (meet & greets & plant visits that I coordinated) *State Aggregates became the company leader in all Stabler Companies as for most employees registered to vote, and for political involvement * Job duties during this time started to become more recruiting, hiring & training of employees in policy, new employee packets, & also all new employees were given their first eight hours of MSHA safety training by me, per MSHA part 46.5 new miner training regulations *1989 - 1995 Admin. Asst. to Vice President Eastern Industries- Job Duties typing all customer quotations, handling purchase orders, market reports, equipment budget reports, cash deposits, inventory, production reports, preparing all new employees personnel forms, Employee Insurance, & all benefit handling from year to year, & assisting with new employee hires from recruitment to drug testing, & training of all new employees.

