Occupation:Data Mining Specialist |
Location:Flushing, NY |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Market and invest analysis with covariance correlation and multiple regression linear regression logistic regression ANOVA time series analysis artificial intelligence machine learning neural networks decision tree payoff table Big Data Scientific and Medical data experience and mastering theory of probability and statistics predictive model decision model data mining clustering machine learning learning tree maximum likelihood algorithm building models and visualizations for applications (such as Earth profile structures neural cells spikes correlation mining and clustering) eigenvalue-eigenvector for multivariable correlation neural networks covariance linear regression Medical data analysis Seismic data analysis Unix R-programming SAS Excel SQL Matlab R-prohramming C script IBM Modeler / SPSS clementine provided eigenvalue-eigenvector for multivariable analysis to security coding for communication of speech Providing New formulate method to describe images of topological constructions by Algebra expression. Managed a team of three researchers for seismic data analysis.

