Created recruitment and applications systems for the NLC Institute (which accepted Sole editor of the NLC Millennial Compact with America nearly 100 policy memos authored by 107 authors advised by 37 advisors (including major partners such as think tanks, elected officials, labor unions, and private corporations) * Conducted monthly policy briefings for NLC's 6,000+ alumni and monthly working group calls for the 144 Compact participants * Sole editor of Building America's Innovation Economy a series of policy papers on big ideas to spur economic growth authored by 18 authors and collaborated with 14 advisors and partners (including major partner Progressive Policy Institute, think tanks, and private corporations), presented to members of Congress in July 2016 * Created and conducted major alumni survey with participation of 1,231 NLC alumni and presented to NLC community, developed pitch documents * Organized national and regional events of 200-500 people, including private policy briefings at The White House * Developed external communications for social media platforms and email program to ~67,000 emailable constituents * Created written and graphic content for promotion and pitch meetings to donors and potential partners 3,000+ applications and $100,000+ in revenue each year) and the annual Fellows Fundraiser grassroots chapter fundraising event process (accepting 1,000 new constituents and $100,000+ in revenue each year) * Developed and implement Institute Curriculum for the NLC Institute which hosted over 600 Fellows annually in over 35 Chapters per year in various U.S. states (number of chapters increase each year) Developed and implement communications strategy including email (~67,000 emailable constituents) press social (~100k social media followers)

