13 years of experience specializing in I&E design. Responsible for field survey Responsible for field survey, walking down P&ID's, and gathering technical information for field instruments, for the "Modernization Project" for 7 plants in the Unicracker Unit. Duties also included the design and drafting of P&ID's, PFD's, location plans, equipment layouts, installation details, junction box wiring, marshalling wiring, control panels, field enclosures, HPM and RHIO layouts and wiring, schematics, and loop diagrams using AutoCAD, CAD Overlay, Microsoft Access, and Excel programs. Duties also included assembling all loop folders and project books. walking down P&ID's and gathering technical information for field instruments for the "Subsystems Modernization Project" for the Olefins Unit Gasoline Hydrotreater Unit. and Butadiene Unit. Duties also included the design and drafting of P&ID's location plans installation details and loop diagrams using AutoCAD INTools CAD Overlay WEDGE LiveLink EGGS. Microsoft Access and Excel programs. Duties also included making electronic files and assembling the FED Package. Construction packages 1 2 and 3 for the "Subsystems Project" and "Analyzer Project." Duties also include completion of "as built" drawings and loop folders. Responsible for field survey walking down P&ID's and gathering technical information for field instruments for the Phase 1 & 2 of the "Controls System Modernizations Project" for the #2 Reformer #3

