SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS * Field Operations Management - continental scale ecology * Practical field experience researching, compiling and managing collected data * Professional wildlife surveys, investigations and observations * Biological compliance monitoring - Responsible for field surveying (pre/post construction bio-sweeps of T&E flora and fauna), contractor coordination, active construction monitoring and technical writing/reporting. Science staffing recruiting and team building field data collection and domain level administration in the pursuit of continental scale ecology Field and Lab Protocol training and development. Wildlife management protocol driven permitted collections and data ingest eco-management and material/personnel supervision. Research area species and compile information on their natural history ecology and habitat. Biological resource management environmental compliance construction monitoring and technical reporting for energy/land development/construction projects in southern California. Large-scale multi-project supervision/site management site maintenance and progress evaluation. Conduct pre/post-disturbance surveys manage discovered biota creatively problem solve. Direct and supervise heavy equipment personnel and compile daily reports on all these activities. Regularly communicate and liaison with state and federal regulatory bodies. Familiarity with CEQA NEPA 401/404 1600/1601 permit compliance. California Endangered Species Act (CESA) and Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). - Scat/track ID Micro-site or latrine-site location and signature development. Crepuscular wildlife surveys. Natural resource agency experience. Trained in non-migratory and migratory avian biology nest monitoring raptor monitoring and ecology. Field necropsy and laboratory dissections. - Survey/ID rare botanicals knowledge of systematic botany physiology taxonomy and use of dichotomous keys. Introductory experience in Population dynamics Large and small mammal trapping fisheries sciences aquatic biology limnology and riparian ecology Wetland/Jurisdictional waterway delineation GPS/GIS Trimble. desert safety and environmental training. First Aid/CPR/AED HAZMAT and Fall protection/Tower rescue certified. Trained in IACUC approved small mammal trapping & blood collection (ROB/SMB). I demonstrate extensive knowledge gained through a variety of work experiences. I have excellent communication skills validating and analyzing collected data organization multi- tasking. My past work experience has provided me with many years of practical experience working with supervisors and managing subordinates to find practical solutions to solve problems and achieve common goals.

