Profile: Strategic thinker leading multi-faceted professional teams with vast experience in facility Operations and maintenance, programs and plans management, construction, power plant operations, UPS systems, contract-support services, budget formulation, and organizational mission execution. Currently hold SCI Security Clearance with Polygraph * Added new UPS Maintenance Contractor to support Gov't team 100% mission reliability in place for agencies Facilitated unfunded requirements (UFR) list for the customer to budget and improve service contract arenas * Assisted Engineering department in management of $3.2M ID/IQ maintenance and repair SABER contracts Led monthly strategy engineering team meetings focus on critical facility needs processes and improvements * Managed acceptance and end-user fit-up of $140M facility utility power and chiller plant support systems * Ensured CMMAS tracking of work tasks is maintained accurately and labor hours are recorded without delay * Led completion of 6,600+ work tasks in 2015 up 40% in 2 yr while working through 20% manpower shortfall

