Qualifications: * M.S. in biochemistry and molecular biology with 20 years academic research experience, 10+ years structure biology research experience and 10+ years drug delivery research experience . * Solid background in molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, immunology and infectious diseases * Expertise in anti-viral signalling, cell culture, animal studies, protein biochemistry and immunoassay development * Extensive experience in a wide range of laboratory techniques and biological assays * Excellent organizational and presentation skills as well as verbal and written communication skills * Effective independent researcher and team contributor with excellent interpersonal skills and exceptional problem-solving skills * Strong work ethic with multi-tasking and deadline-oriented working style Skill and Techniques: * Biochemistry: Protein expression, Protein purification (ion exchange, size-exclusion and affinity chromatography), Protein characterization, Protein Engineering, Enzyme activity assay, Enzyme catalytic kinetics assay, Western Blot, Immunoprecipitation (IP), Isotopic Tracer technique, Kinase Assay, Phosphatase Activity Assay, Electrophoretic mobility Binding shift assay, Chromatography (gel filtration, ion exchange, inverse, adsorption, affinity) by using HPLC/FPLC, Protein electrophoresis (SDS gel, native gel, IEF, 2D Gel), Bacterial Conjugation, Bi-fluorescence complementation, Protein-protein and Protein-RNA/DNA interaction (protein affinity chromatography, protein probing, the two-hybrid system, phage display, affinity blotting, Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), Biacore Assay, co-immunoprecipitation and cross-linking) * Molecular Biology: Molecular cloning, Site-directed Mutagenesis, DNA/RNA extraction/purification, Nucleic acid fluorescent labeling, Regular PCR, Real-time PCR (qPCR), Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR, RNA in vitro transcription, RNA Synthesis, DNA Sequencing, Ribosome RNA Sedimentation, RNA Footprint Mapping, Gene Editing/ CRISPR. * Cell Biology: Mammalian cell culture, Cell line and primary cell transfection and transduction, Stable cell line generation, Cell signaling study, Flow cytometry/FACS, Confocal microscopy, ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry, RNAi-mediated gene knock-down (siRNA/Lentivirus-shRNA). Cell proliferation assay, apoptosis assay and migration assay. *Structure Biology: (Crystallography, Neutron scattering, Small angle X-ray scattering, Circular Dichroism, Light scattering), Sample preparation, Data collection and Data processing. * Immunoassay Development: Antibody characterization, Antibody screening, Antibody labeling, ELISA, Digital ELISA, Biomarker selection, Magnetic beads coating, Clinical sample test. * Mouse Biology: Design/make knockout targeting constructs Mouse breeding, Genotyping, Isolation and culture of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Isolation/culture of Bone marrow-derived cells from adult mice. * Lipids Drug delivery system and drug target: Preparation of Liposomes, Analysis of lipids, Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), In vivo mice model and Pharmacology, *Bio-informatics: Protein folding, Protein structure prediction, protein dynamic, Protein Post- translational modification.

