Career Research and Resources for Companies in VA

SRA International, Inc.

Management & Business - Program Manager - Fairfax, VA

Supervised 26-member contractor team providing subject matter expert support to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) New Campus East (NCE) Program Management Office Deployment Planning and Execution (NDPE) Project including all areas of project planning, execution, monitoring and controlling and close-out. Served concurrently as primary contractor POC for deployment-related stakeholder management planning and ...

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Ericsson-GE (now Harris)

Engineering & Architecture - Engineer - Lynchburg, VA

Engineering design, presales support of communication systems destined for the Pacific areas.

Avg. Salary: $130,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

CACI International, Inc.

Management & Business - Program Manager - Fairfax, VA

Provided NGA Enterprise-level IT systems integration analysis and program management support including identifying gaps, dependencies, risks, and critical decisions across multiple integrated programs in support of NGA NCE Mission Systems Transition activities using both proprietary and commercial off-the-shelf tools such as MS Project and MS Excel. Created and provided briefings to stakeholders. Served as contractor ...

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Porchia & Associates, Inc.

Management & Business - Program Manager - Alexandria, VA

Senior Consultant

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

US Navy

Information Technology - System Engineer - Virginiabeach, VA

Maintain and repair utility systems throughout the aircraft. Work on systems such as air conditioning, heating , pressurization and oxygen, plus multiple safety devices. • Maintain various aircraft systems such as seat and canopy ejection (egress), gaseous and liguid oxygen, life raft ejection, fire extinguishing, air conditioning, cabin and cockpit heat, pressurization, ventilation. • Inspect remove install and rig eject...

Avg. Salary: $83,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Philip Morris USA / Altria Client Services

Engineering & Architecture - Chemical Engineer - Richmond, VA

Executed both product and process development projects for tobacco-based technologies. Interfaced with both sensory and analytical functions to establish potential consumer targets and develop product and process characteristics for new smokeless tobacco products. Engaged in process development, technology evaluation, and development

Avg. Salary: $109,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Wisnewski Blair and Associates

Engineering & Architecture - Architect - Alexandria, VA

Project Manager duties include analyzing the scope of work or programing, if we do not complete it ourselves, schematic design, design development, contract (working) drawings and specifications, cost estimates, contract award, and construction administration. For any given project I can an have had all these responsibilities as well as partial responsibility for a given portion of the project.

Avg. Salary: $90,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Islamic Saudi Academy

Education, Training, & Library - Adult Literacy Instructor - Alexandria , VA

Instructed the English portion of curriculum for the girl's school, third grade. Worked with large English as a Second Language population, followed cultural rules and responsibilities

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Wills and Van Metre; Property Management

Education, Training, & Library - Adult Literacy Instructor - Alexandria, VA

Oversaw 3 properties swimming pools and clubhouses. Organized community events at various property clubhouses. Organized company wide picnics and Christmas party.

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Program Management Associates

Management & Business - Administrative Services Manager - Arlington, VA

Administered 5 transit security grant programs with an annual budget of over $400-million. Trained and managed 3 analysts— managed staffing requirements and project workloads; delegated tasks, reviewed work, and managed timelines. Performed initial application reviews for program eligibility and compliance and tracked applications through the review process. Coordinated expert review committee meetings— recorded funding re...

Avg. Salary: $96,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available