Career Research and Resources for Companies in NY
Chemical Bank 55 Water Street, NY, NY and Chase Bank 1 Chae Manhattan Plaza, NY, NY
Cross Mnaging to dontinue smooth merger of prodedures and policies and staff harmony. contributor to the major wellness program: Heart Risk Assessment Wellness Program consisting of determinign Risk by measuring Cholesterol, BP, EKG and Fitness Level. Subway strike coverapge planning
Avg. Salary: $38 · Company Rank: Not Available
Chemical Bank, 277 Park, NY, NY
Purpose to integrate Health Service case Management Method to Time Loss Managment Program: collaborative approach to insure "Buy-In" by Executie Management: Special Bonus
Avg. Salary: $38 · Company Rank: Not Available
Chemical Bank, 277 Park, NY, NY
Purpose to integrate Health Service case Management Method to Time Loss Managment Program: collaborative approach to insure "Buy-In" by Executie Management: Special Bonus
Avg. Salary: $38 · Company Rank: Not Available
Chemical Bank, 55 Water St., NY, NY
Designed the Time Loss Short and Long Term/Work Comp Absence Program with Sernior Managment "Sign On" and Bonus. Collaboration with allmanagment leels with regard to imlementation strategy. Case Managment Job Description wirtten for all personnel in Health Serices and Human Resource Generalists, Designed Quality Assessment Department Questionnair, Gantt Charts, Six sigma, Budgeting:Nurse salary review with salary increases...
Avg. Salary: $38 · Company Rank: Not Available
Chemical Bank, 55 Water St., NY, NY
Employee health treatment, emergency care immunizations. OSHA Record Maintenance for Workers Comp. Wrote nursing procedure and policy book, updated nurse job descriptions, designed new forms to complement and streamline the new procedures and policies, trained nurses hired with little occupational health experience, designed and implemented Hypertensive Wellness Program, Selected Bank's request for a provider for Bank-wide ...
Avg. Salary: $38 · Company Rank: Not Available
Lenox Hill Hospital, NY, NY
ICU,CCU,OR, RR, Open Hearlt Recovery Room (RR), Step Down Units for CCU,ICU, and Open Heart, Neonatal Critical Care. Relieved Med Surg, EENT, and Neuro supervisors, developed staffing ratios, wrote procedures and policies, member fo Nurse Practice Committee, Member of Disaster Committe: Planned for Subway Strike, Present for first NYC Blackout and planned strategy which was implementer for the secondBlackout
Avg. Salary: $38 · Company Rank: Not Available
Australia and New Zealand Bank
Provided support to relationship managers, prepared asset writings for the Letter of Credit. Supported deals ranging from 10 to 100 million. Opening of New deals and new accounts. Monitor credit limit and approval for the new deals.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Flash Lite Engineering, prototyping for nokia S60 devices and chumby Visual Design for Mobile WAP site for Nokia Client iPhone Web Application build using AJAX, JAVASCRIPT, XML Clients are Nike Basketball, Nike Dunk, Nokia, Acuvue etc.
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Erdman Anthony & Associates, Inc. 10/2004 – 4/2010
Install and manage 250 Windows XP workstations in a networked engineering environment. Take lead role as Remote Access Technician for 4 off site locations (West Palm Beach, Albany, Harrisburg, and Buffalo). Maintain daily backup tapes using Veritas software. Install advanced AutoCAD software on engineer’s workstations and on Win2003 servers for maximum efficiency. Work with engineers to meet client demands and requireme...
Avg. Salary: $39,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
SUNGARD Higher Education 10/2000 – 10/2004
Install and manage Windows 2000 workstations in a multi-user environment Managed migrating from NT4 to Windows NT5 Took lead role in updating and creating ghost images for all classrooms and rolling them out Create customized local group policy settings for master library Assist in all helpdesk functions, including logging and tracking troubleshooting calls requiring technical support. Offsite computer technician for ...
Avg. Salary: $39,000 · Company Rank: Not Available