Career Research and Resources for Companies in MD
Excel Academy
*Have thorough understanding of workforce guidelines/requirements as it pertains to participant eligibility and program operations. * Develop a network of business contacts and linkage with development offices to develop job leads in demand occupations having growth potential. *Create and close job opportunities for qualified participants relative to their educational training and/or previous work experience where follow-...
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Lead implementation of a new Point of Sale system across United States and Canada; develop project plan, resource needs, and execution for each project's life cycle. Assign tasks, coordinate schedules and responsibilities, provide leadership to enhance performance, conduct interviews, hire staff, and create performance plans. Interface with internal customers and key stakeholders; communicate project plans and objectives, c...
Avg. Salary: $60,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Led deployments of Taleo 7.5 HMSHost Canadian locations; acted as key contributor to implementation. Previously implemented Taleo 7.5 across United States, including managing content team, training development and implementation, and customer support and stabilization. Project completed 6 months ahead of schedule and under budget. Interfaced with customers and key stakeholders; managed expectations and negotiated successful...
Avg. Salary: $60,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
P.M. Designs, Inc.
• New Business Presentations • Create and execute design campaigns including, print, collateral, radio, and television spots • Create Corporate Identities and Branding
Avg. Salary: $120,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
National Federation of The Blind
Assist in the development of a research agenda for the NFB. Development of collaborative relationships with other research partners. Evaluation of existing projects. Overseeing the development of research projects with collaborating universities. Conduct of research projects with the target population.
Avg. Salary: $67,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
DMS switch installation, MACDs, trunk and front-end upgrades, software upgrades
Avg. Salary: $95,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
US Army / Techincal Exploitation Center
FORNSAT Operator Signals Analyst/Collector
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
City of Havre de Grace
Ensure directions of the Mayor are carried out, assist elected officials with carrying committee work, work with City Attorney re preparition of Ordinances (laws), Oversee 4 Directors,9 direct reports, plus responsible for 85+ employees.
Avg. Salary: $102,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Northwest Hospital
Managed Outpatient Anticoagulation Clinic and supported the Central Hospital Pharmacy. Resposible for patient clinical status, dietary intake, lifestyle changes, drug-drug and drug-food interactions, adjusted anticoagulant dose accordingly for 900+ patients.
Avg. Salary: $95,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Lockheed Martin is a leading partner of the Federal Government, providing 21st century technology solutions.
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5