Career Research and Resources for Companies in CO


Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Drafter - BOULDER, CO

design and detail assemblies for fixturing of components of implamtable hearing aid; document and train for using the fixtures; design of implantable middle ear transducer; work closely with all areas of engineering i.e. mechanical, electrical, chemical; submit ECO's and complete approved ECO's to documentation control; participate in design review process

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Drafter - DENVER, CO

translate schematic information into solid model assemblies for ceramic kiln ductwork and gas piping; compose, in adobe, operating and maintenance manuals for both kiln and dryer.

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Drafter - DENVER, CO

design umbilical systen of ATLAS V rocket vehicle; design lift system of GENISIS craft; logistical system support for both ground and vehicle systems

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Boulder County

Information Technology - Application Support - Boulder, CO

Create unified road centerline layer for Boulder County. Work with interested government agencies to develop the centerline layer. Work with Boulder County Clerk and Recorder's Office to develop updated voter precincts for 2008 elections.

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

KG Research

Information Technology - Application Support - Grand Junction, CO

Perform socioeconomic studies and spatial analysis for businesses and local government entities. Prepare reports (Economic Analysis, population projections, site analysis), make presentations for clients and at public forums. Perform analysis using desktop GIS software, spreadsheet software. Acquire, convert, and use data from local, state and federal sources. Install computer and network hardware and software in various lo...

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mesa County

Information Technology - Application Support - Grand Junction, CO

Work with GIS customers (internal and external) by providing useful products on request. Maintained standard maps (County Road Map, etc.) Performed spatial analysis using ESRI software. Support other Arc/INFO/ ArcView/ArcGIS users. Install ArcView and ArcGIS, support and train users. Research, analyze and report on demographic and economic data for the county. System administrator for GIS systems (1 Sun workstation, 1 HP wo...

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mesa County

Information Technology - Application Support - Grand Junction, CO

Perform UNIX system administration and network management. Provide support for user departments. Maintain vendor contacts. Write reports from the Informix database. Manage voice and data communications. Participate in capital improvements planning. Participated in the creation and development of the Division self directed work team. Prepare Mesa County Enterprise Network Plan. Select and install replacement for minicomputer...

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mesa County

Information Technology - Application Support - Grand Junction, CO

Managed a professional and support staff of four. Proposed economic development strategies. Prepared an Overall Economic Development Program. Administered the Grand Junction Urbanized Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. Developed the Large Energy Projects Review Process. Prepared demographic and economic estimates and projections, special studies; State and Federal grant applications. Procured a 230 line digital PBX an...

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mesa County

Information Technology - Application Support - Grand Junction, CO

Managed a professional and technical staff of six. Reported to the County Administrator and the City Manager. Supervised long range planning, special studies. Provided staff support to the Grand Junction Urbanized Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. Work with City and County Current Planning Divisions and other city and county agencies. Responsible for public participation activities and public presentations to the Cit...

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Sales & Sales Management - Advertising Sales Agent - Denver, CO

Responsible for driving revenue for the nation's largest on screen cinema ad network.

Avg. Salary: $95,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available