Career Research and Resources for Companies in AL

ESW Consulting for (Thyssen Krupp Steel USA)

Information Technology - Technical Writer - Calvert , AL

• Technical Writer on contract with ThyssenKrupp Steel USA, Calvert AL. Duties include develop and implement an electrical and mechanical job qualification program Hot Strip, Cold Roll Mill, Pickle Line and Hot Dip Galvanizing Lines for advancement in job class progression. Wrote as required Power point presentations for new employees not familiar with the steel mill environment. Provided training as required and assisted c...

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Digital Equipment Corp (DEC)

Management & Business - Program Manager - Huntsville, AL

As the DBQM for the Southeast Government Digital Consulting District my direct responsibilities included: ensuring the successful delivery of the District’s software projects and programs; providing business reviews of proposals; scheduling and conducting Program Progress Reviews; providing leadership in developing, implementing, and driving District Quality and Methods Plans; ensuring that Project Practices and Standards w...

Avg. Salary: $155,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Management & Business - Chief Operations Officer - Cullman, AL

Engaged by CRMC as a consultant to assess Accounts Receivable following buy-out of joint venture anticipated 6-week engagement. Based on success of projects offered COO/CFO position, stayed total of six years. Support service operations; facility planning and development and construction; financial and treasury services and reporting; debt refinancing, Lean Six Sigma Development and implementation, Strategic Planning implem...

Avg. Salary: $240,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Jaxcksonville State University

Education, Training, & Library - Adult Literacy Instructor - Jacksonville, AL

Avg. Salary: $99,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Auburn University

Education, Training, & Library - Adult Literacy Instructor - Auburn, AL

Scouted opponents, film coordinator of practices & all games, Head JV Coach, Varsity assistant coach OL, LB, TE, PK

Avg. Salary: $99,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Engineering & Architecture - Electrical Engineer - Pennington, AL

 Revitalized the Shipping and Distribution Center infrastructure of the Board and Finished Goods sectors of the Consumer Products business at Naheola Mill by leading the project and task initiation and execution process.  Managed the successful construction and completion of three capital sustainability, reliability, and energy-efficiency projects for 2013 Cold Mill Outage at Naheola Mill.  Instrumental in driving profit...

Avg. Salary: $78,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Radiance Technologies

Management & Business - Transportation manager - Huntsville, AL

• Lead Logistician for C2ISR Project Liberty program/FPED program--a vital capability needed quickly

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

URS Corporation

Management & Business - Manager - Anniston, AL

Directed the safe demilitarization of explosively configured chemical weapons containing either nerve agents or blister agents. Directed Operations, Maintenance, Laboratory, Engineering, Logistics, and Training Departments. Full responsibilities for cost and schedule performance.

Avg. Salary: $200,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Westinghouse Anniston

Management & Business - Manager - Anniston, AL

Responsible for the startup of a $350 million chemical demilitarization facility.

Avg. Salary: $200,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Military & Government - Air Force - Birmingham, AL

Business Officer (02/2012 – 10/2012) Managed financial operations of UAB School of Public Health, including developing and administering budgets and financial systems, space and facility planning, and grant management. Maintained compliance of all financial operations with generally accepted accounting principles. Provided financial guidance to assigned staff and University personnel, while overseeing integration with Unive...

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available