Browse Career Research in Transportation & Logistics

Able Seamen Career Research

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Aircraft Cargo Handler Career Research

Airfield Operations Specialist Career Research

Airline Copilot Career Research

Airline Pilot Career Research

Airline Staff Career Research

Aviation Inspector Career Research

Chauffeur Career Research

Commercial Pilot Career Research

Conveyor Operator Career Research

Crane Operator Career Research

Cruise Ship Staff Career Research

Delivery Services Truck Driver Career Research

Excavating Machine Operator Career Research

Flight Engineer Career Research

Freight Inspector Career Research

Hand Freight Mover Career Research

Heavy Truck Driver Career Research

Hoist & Winch Operator Career Research

Hostler Career Research

Industrial Truck Operator Career Research

Loading Machine Operator Career Research

Locomotive Engineer Career Research

Machine Feeder Career Research

Marine Cargo Inspector Career Research

Mates Career Research

Motor Vehicle Inspector Career Research

Motor Vehicle Operator Career Research

Motorboat Operator Career Research

Ordinary Seaman Career Research

Packer Career Research

Public Transportation Inspector Career Research

Rail Car Repairer Career Research

Rail Yard Engineer Career Research

Railroad Conductor Career Research

Railroad Inspector Career Research

Railroad Yard Worker Career Research

Refuse Material Collector Career Research

School Bus Driver Career Research

Ship Captain Career Research

Shuttle Car Operator Career Research

Streetcar Operator Career Research

Subway Operator Career Research

Supply Chain Manager Career Research

Tank car, Truck, or Ship Loader Career Research

Taxi Driver Career Research

Tractor-trailer Truck Driver Career Research

Train Crew Member Career Research

Transit Bus Driver Career Research

Yardmaster Career Research

Transportation & Logistics Career Research


Transportation & Logistics - Heavy Truck Driver - POINT MARION , PA


Avg. Salary: $78,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United Parcel Service

Transportation & Logistics - Motor Vehicle Operator - Philadelphia, PA

Responsilities included balancing daily incoming work by geographic area to approximately 50 drivers. Individual dispatches could not exceed nine hours or be less than eight hours. Twenty employees directly reported to me.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United Parcel Service

Transportation & Logistics - Motor Vehicle Operator - Philadelphia, PA

Responsibilities included processing more than 75,000 each day for nationwide distribution. Fifteen supervisors reported directly to me and more than 100 employees reported to the supervisors.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United Parcel Service

Transportation & Logistics - Motor Vehicle Operator - Brooklyn , NY

Due to numerous labor-related issues, I was sent to improve production and morale. Duties included working with personnel to improve safety and work methods.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United Parcel Service

Transportation & Logistics - Motor Vehicle Operator - Philadelphia, PA

I alligned geographic areas and worked with my supervisors for the purpose of delivering 10,000 packages in the Southwest Philadelphia section.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United Parcel Service

Transportation & Logistics - Motor Vehicle Operator - Willow Grove, PA

I completed work measurement studies to determine the number of employees needed per day for a large hub operation. Using formulas and previous trends, I worked up volume projections for this hub operation.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United Parcel Service

Transportation & Logistics - Motor Vehicle Operator - Philadelphia, PA

Responsibilities included dispatching daily volume, training new employees on safety and work methods.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United Parcel Service

Transportation & Logistics - Motor Vehicle Operator - Philadelphia, PA

I worked in Atlanta GA, Greensboro, NC and Greenville SC. I taught two seperate outsourcing companies how to navigate the UPS customer service computer programs. I became the hazardous materials shipping specialist for the district. In this capacity, I instructed shippers in the 49CFR and IATA regulations.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Baker Commodities Inc.

Transportation & Logistics - Heavy Truck Driver - Portland, OR

Driver Simi Trucks and two Trailers and Load and Unload Trailers.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Yellow - Roadway Corporation, Logistics

Transportation & Logistics - Able Seamen - Overland Park, KS

On a monthly basis, responsible for the pricing, the routing, and the performance requirements of 4,800 air and ground, expedited and guaranteed shipments. Also responsible for the daily weight and measurement review and the resolution of performance issues with carriers and vendors. Territory coverage for all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available