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Transportation & Logistics Career Research
Managed Safety procdures and issues for the Southeastern Region,{17 terminals in 4 States}. Performed monthly Terminal inspections,Processed and investigated Accidents and worker Comp Claims,Coordinated and conducted Safety meetins within terminals,Monotored compliance with FMCSR'S. Other positions and responsibilities,prior to Safety management,include:Linehaul driver'driver trainer,Safety committee,Inbound&Outbound Superv...
Avg. Salary: $55,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Grubb Lumber Co Inc
Trained new crew members.Cut lumber to specified lengths.Banded loads of lumber.Loaded and unloaded trucks.Inventoried supplies,P.M.C.S. forklifts.Cleaned yard of debre.Ordered materials and supplies when needed.
Avg. Salary: $23,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Dependable Highway Express
Inspect rig and report defectcs for repair. Pulled doubles oe 53 foot van trailers to Kettleman City, switch trailers and pull them back to San Leandro yard usally.
Avg. Salary: $430 · Company Rank: Not Available
J.B. Hunt Transportation
Inspect tractor for safety defects and report them for repair. Delivered frozen meat to various mom and pop stores and restraunts around S.F. bay erea and East of Sacramento, the Fresno,Ca. area
Avg. Salary: $430 · Company Rank: Not Available
Guildlines Corperation.
Inspect rigs for safety defects and report them for repair and pulled doubles to five differant locations around the S.F bay area.Break up the sets, dock them and return the empties trailers to the yard five nights a week.
Avg. Salary: $430 · Company Rank: Not Available
Gainey Transportation Services
Pulled 53 foot droped deck traileries from Fremont, Ca. to Stockton, Ca. onto Otay, Ca. then backed to Fremont, Ca.Sometimes we would UPS loads to Portland, Or., Denver Co., and to New Mexico.
Avg. Salary: $430 · Company Rank: Not Available
Eagle Packing Co,Inc
Drove trucks 18 wheelers and when I had to stop driveing due to wife illness. Had to run the two trucks they had,did the billing, simple bookeeping.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
all phases of a dailly operations of a motor carrier and a brokerage. Every day something was difrent which made the job interesting.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
All commercial Finaance, LLC
Provide financing solutions, customer service, planning for corporations, businesses, private business teams, government, humanitarian, international companies and assist them in obtaining bond, conventional, debt, equity, hedge fund, joint venture, line of credit, private, mergers and acquisitions for projects anywhere in the world.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
American Residential Mortgage Corporation
Developed training manuals and trained sales staff in new products being introduced. Played a key role in the development of the company’s strategic marketing and programs in the marketplace.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available