Browse Career Research in Science & Biotech
Science & Biotech Career Research
ONSITE/SCS Engineers
Measured water levels and installed transducers in wells, calibrated methane monitoring equipment, and performed GPS surveys for landfill.
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Nye County Nuclear Repository Project
Installed, tested and sampled monitor wells to monitor possible contamination from Yucca Mtn. Prepared QA procedures.
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Logged and sampled core from underground and surface drilling operations and instructed other geologists on QA procedures. Performed duties of drilling engineer.
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Agapito Associates
Performed construction monitoring of 25-foot diameter exploratory tunnel for high-level radwaste repository. Provided design verification for tunnel support through rock mass quality data.
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Raytheon Services Nevada
Collected, interpreted, and reported geotechnical data in support of site characterization studies for low level radioactive waste management sites including collapse zones and chimneys beneath nuclear-generated craters. Supplied geologic support to Odex drilling, instrumented pilot wells, sampling, and testing phases of program. Containerized waste for shipping. Measured water levels, collected water samples, and performe...
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Sergent, Hauskins & Beckwith (AGRA)
Supervised geotechnical and hydrogeologic investigations for buildings, dams, storage tanks, highways, transmission lines, pipelines, landfills, sewage treatment plants, power plants, low-level radioactive disposal sites, leach pads and mining facilities in Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Texas, Colorado and Wyoming. Field functions included sampling and logging of soils and rock, trench logging, geologic mapping, fault...
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Consulting Geologist
Performed gold exploration using drilling and geophysical methods. Staked mining claims. Drilled, blasted, loaded and hauled rock for rip rap. Inspector for a 34-lot subdivision. Prepared inventory of water resources and collected and ran field tests on water samples for the B.L.M.
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Eisenman Chemical Co.
Developed two major barite deposits. Performed core logging, geologic mapping and geophysical surveys. Calculated ore reserves and prepared mining plans. Evaluated barite, hematite and bentonite prospects in Nevada, California and Texas.
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Bechtel Civil & Minerals
Supervised all aspects of subsurface investigations for power plants and other structures throughout the United States and St. Croix. Office functions included preparation of proposals, schedules, budgets, specifications, geotechnical reports and responses to Contractor's claims for differing site conditions. Field activities consisted of core logging, supervising the installation for monitor wells and piezometers. Perform...
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Phillips Petroleum
Conducted uranium exploration in the Powder River Basin. This included logging drill holes, assessment work, interpreting geophysical well logs and calculating ore grade and reserves.
Avg. Salary: $52,000 · Company Rank: Not Available