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Military & Government Career Research
Cockrell Hill Police Department
Worked as the night Patrol supervisor. I also Re-wrote and re-structured the entire FTO program of the department. Worked as the OIC of the fugitive warrant section and as the Tactical Trainer for patrol division.
Avg. Salary: $57,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Cook County Sherifffs Office
worked as a Patrol Deputy. Was one of the first 6 assigned to the departments first Tactical Team then was promoted to CID Crimes Against Persons and worked as an investigator for the department until leaving to pursue a career overseas.
Avg. Salary: $57,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
US Air Force
I was responsible for the Electrics, Electronics and mission worthiness of the aircraft sub-systems and ground support equipment. Maintained all records and reporting to higher agency. All status of mission capable.
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
Manage contract at Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Transportation Systems Integration Facility (TSIF) operations; provide technical expertise to identify and resolve issues. * Develop and implement preventive maintenance plans for mechanical systems including: -- Pneumatics -- Electrical switch gear/panels/VFD -- Boiler systems (VAV-boxes-Fan coils) -- Air condition system (HVAC) -- Chiller equipment -- Fi...
Avg. Salary: $120,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Scientific Applications International Corp.
I managed a 12 person Distribution Management Team (DMT) that focused on unit materiel and equipment readiness of all Army Hawaii based units. Managed materiel readiness programs designed to improve accountability, supportability, and readiness of equipment. Performed materiel management of critical items and collected, sorted, analyzed and displayed supply and maintenance data in the form of charts, reports, and briefings ...
Avg. Salary: $115,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Booz Allen Hamilton
I was responsible for a 17 person team in support of Army units to insure supply discipline, maintenance of equipment was done in a timely manner and the millions of dollars of assets were accounted for.
Avg. Salary: $115,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
AT&T Government Solutions
Managed a 12 person asset accounting team that was responsable for 100% accounting of Army equipment for an Infantry Division. I addition I amanged a 6 person team of warehouse workers responsible for the reseipt storage and issue of materials and equipment in support of an Army Infantry Division.
Avg. Salary: $115,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
AT&T Government Solutions
I assisted the functional lead in designing/implementing/testing/fielding of interface software. I oversaw the day to day operations of an HP LH 6000 server cluster including backups/restores, installing upgrades, troubleshooting, and running SQL Server 7.0 server queries. Participated in technical system architecture and design efforts. Briefed customer and field personnel on design and fielding strategy and implementation...
Avg. Salary: $115,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Financial Analyst, GRC International
Provided analytical support on financial/accounting matters in support of the SSF Implementation Team. Performed integrated reconciliation of data among the installation/ MACOM, DFAS, and PMO staff. Closely monitoring IT, DFAS, and SSF events to insure timely execution during SSF conversion/implementation.
Avg. Salary: $115,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Military Professional Resources, Inc.
Identifying ways to best utilize the limited resources of 35 active and national guard Army maintenance activities east of the Mississippi River in order to save the government money.
Avg. Salary: $115,000 · Company Rank: Not Available