Federal Government Career Research and Resources

Office of the Secretary of Defense

Military & Government - Federal Government - Arlington, VA

Advised Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Staff Operations Watch Teams from within the National Military Command Center. Liaised with DoD senior leadership to consult on strategies for real-time international crisis and disaster management, facilitating communication and information sharing with DoD Services, combatant commands and the Federal Executive Branch.

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Board of Governors - Federal Reserve System

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington, DC

Spearheaded the Board’s emergency preparedness and crisis management initiative, serving as the sole subject-matter expert (SME) in emergency preparedness. Developed and introduced emergency planning, preparedness, and response policies, procedures, exercises, and training sessions.

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

L-3 Communications

Military & Government - Federal Government - Arlington, VA

Developed contingency plans for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-explosive (CBRNE) events, serving as CBRNE SME on domestic consequence management for Department of Defense Joint Staff, Deputy Directorate for Antiterrorism and Homeland Defense. Advised on CBRNE contingency plans, procedures, and exercises. Served as representative for interagency events.

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Department of State

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington, DC

Developed, implemented, and provided training on emergency preparedness, planning, and response plans, spanning mobilization preparedness and civil defense. Coordinated with diverse bureaus in development and rollout of Emergency Action Plans (EAP); established a standardized EAP format and content development strategy.

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Kelly Services

Military & Government - Federal Government - Arlington, VA

Developed emergency / disaster response programs for DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic at the Pentagon. Designed and implemented Emergency Management Plan and preparedness / response frameworks, including programs for incidents associated with weapons of mass destruction (WMD); provided comprehensive introduction of new procedures, led integration with overarching Pentagon plans, and presented staff training.

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

El Paso Intelligence Center

Military & Government - Federal Government - El Paso, TX

Preserve focus on interagency collection methodology in order to support regional and localized counter-narcoterrorist operations, plans, and intelligence production with EPIC. Uphold position as a key member of a counter narcotics team involved in joint intelligence operations and in charge of operational security on behalf of DEA agents. Routinely monitor communications equipment to collect, analyze, and translate intelli...

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

US Army

Military & Government - Federal Government - San Antonio, TX

Translated Spanish (QB) language on behalf of a Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX) office in order to facilitate processing, assimilation, and dissemination of acquired/seized documents and electronic media for agencies such as SOUTHCOM, ARSOUTH, and National Media Exploitation Center. Captained the transcription of non-voice media of Latin American origin while supporting diplomatic, unconventional warfare, narcotics,...

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Military & Government - Federal Government - San Antonio, TX

To provide excellent customer service to customers in banking and brokerage accounts

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

US Army

Military & Government - Federal Government - Hinesville, GA

Operated in an executive management position, upholding direct accountability for the security of 2-star General Officer and 1,000 headquarters personnel, as well as systems and facility operations. Oversaw the functionality of specialized programs, including anti-terrorism and security initiatives. Assimilated and managed operations within the Special Security Office, specifically focusing on Sensitive Compartmented Inform...

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

US Army

Military & Government - Federal Government - San Antonio, TX

Division Supervisor (2004-2004) Managed a division through the training and professional development of 2,200 military and civilian personnel. Liaised between national agencies and vendors. Synchronized National Cryptologist School courses, including all equipment and educational materials. Superintendent: Supervisor (2000-2003) Supported a total of 200 members within a multidisciplinary team, serving as primary advisor ...

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available