Legal Support Worker Career Research and Resources

Charles Schwab & Co Inc

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Phoenix, AZ

Collaborated with Senior Management to monitor and review bi-weekly performance of Phoenix customer service division. Recommended changes to the senior management team to facilitate exceptional levels of quality and customer support. Managed and coached nine customer service teams comprising of 135 total representatives.

Avg. Salary: $59,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Charles Schwab & Co Inc

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - phoenix, AZ

Selected as team lead and eventually Acting Sales Manager (Series 9/10) for three different sales teams. Audited team performance and provided daily business statistics to senior management. Assigned leads to all members. Implemented new initiatives, including collateral marketing and sales programs. Represented the department in business model initiatives, desktop systems, and software beta testing. Expanded sales scope to...

Avg. Salary: $59,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

DHL Airways Inc.

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Tempe, AZ

Acquired and grew low and medium volume accounts in the Northwest inside sales territory. Generated business from numerous leading companies, including Mercedes-Benz, Costco, and FedEx. Hired and trained staff. Collaborated with outside sales offices, operations, logistics, and billing staff.

Avg. Salary: $59,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Cantey & Hanger LLP

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Fort Worth, TX

Appellate, legal issues, and motion practice; state and federal courts; litigation and support.

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Fifth District Court of Appeals

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Dallas, TX

Legal analysis, research, and drafting judicial opinions for resolution of appeals of litigation matters.

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

UMKC Law Library

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Kansas, MO

Provide legal reference services and instruction to the law school's faculty, staff, students and the general public. Assist students and staff with legal reference sources, legal publications and online sources Teach legal research skills and courses to law students, particularly the first year legal research and writing curriculum. Participate in scholarly research support.

Avg. Salary: $32,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

K & L Gates LLP

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Chicago, IL

Managed the library operations for the Chicago office

Avg. Salary: $98,700   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Lord Bissell & Brook

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Chicago, IL

Research Specialist who performed research for the attorneys or assisted them with their research projects

Avg. Salary: $98,700   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Northwestern University School of Law Library

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Chicago, IL

Establish a new Serials check-in system for the library. Managed the students who helped with this project. Established the US Government Documents collection for the Law Library. Organized the documents collection and performed all the processing of documents and research duties associated with that collection.

Avg. Salary: $98,700   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Baker & McKenzie LLP

Legal Services - Legal Support Worker - Chicago, IL

Supervised the research librarian who performed legal research. Supervised and assisted the Library Assistant who processed the new materials for the library. Ordered new materials for the library. Reviewed and processed all invoices for library purchases. Reviewed the library collection to verify that materials in the library catalog were still owned by the library.

Avg. Salary: $98,700   ·    Company Rank: Not Available