Browse Career Research in Accounting & Finance
Accounting & Finance Career Research
Citgo Qwik Mart
running cash register, cleaning, watching gas pumps, stocking cooler, training new employees.
Avg. Salary: $8,000 · Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5
Yellow Brick Road Daycare
managing 12 people, in 3 different departments/age groups, multi-tasking with cleaning, cooking.
Avg. Salary: $8,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
M/S Fakih & Co.Chartered Accountant
a) Auditing Books of Acounts of Co-Op Banks including physical Cash check and Stock verifications of Central & Head Office and various Branches. b) Auditing Books of Accounts of Schools and Colleges and preparing Audited Accounts upto finalization. c) Auditing accounts of Charitable Trusts,Co-Op Hsg Societies,Credit Societies,and Associations and preparing accounts upto finalization.
Avg. Salary: $9,600 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Maharashtra Lokahita Seva Mandal
a) Maintaining Cash and Bank Book on daily basis of various Projects viz: Box Project,Education,Employment,Typing,Tailoring,Medical,Housing,Loans and Local Account. b) Maintaing Petty Cash and Employees Provident Fund Register on Daily and Monthly basis respectively. c) Dealing With Ministry of Home Affairs,Grih Mantralaya,Govt. of India,for the Foreign Contributions Received & Disbursement and preparing Quarterly Financi...
Avg. Salary: $9,600 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
Sagar Tower Co-Op Hsg Soc Ltd
a) Preparing and Issueing Monthly Maintenace Bills,Cash Vouchers and Receipts. b) Maintaining Petty Cash Book and Members Ledger on daily basis. c) Looking after day to day affairs of the Society. d) Interact with Ordinary Members,Committee Members,Bank,and various Government Bodies with respect to Taxes,Electricity,Water and General Issues. e) Holding Committee and General Body Meeting and writing down minutes. f) Pre...
Avg. Salary: $9,600 · Company Rank: 1.0 out of 5
M/S Aysha Export Corporation
) Interact with Ministry of Finance,Dept of Revenue,with respect to Export consignment pertaining to duty drawback..Taking up Issues and meeting Commisioner Drawback in person. Had met the then Finance Minister,Shri P.Chidambaram, personally in respect of Claiming Duty Drawback on the exports of 100%Cotton Hand Dyed Terry Towels.Submission was successful and hearing positively finalized. b) Interact with Ministry of Co...
Avg. Salary: $9,600 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
M/S Roghay Charities
5) 1984-1994 : As an Part time Accountant with the following: i. M/S Roghay Charities:Mumbai. 1983-1985 ii. M/S Small Causes Court Bar Library: Mumbai.1983-1985 iii. M/S Iqopacks Packaging,Bandra,Mumbai. 1984-1986 iv. M/S Kohinoor Co-op Hsg Soc Ltd,Mumbai: 1988-1990 v. M/S Ameen Leather Arts,Mumbai:1988-1990 vi M/S Excellent Packaging,Mumbai: 1990-1994.
Avg. Salary: $9,600 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Actively involved in Stock Market and doing Shares Trading and Research from home.
Avg. Salary: $9,600 · Company Rank: Not Available
Avg. Salary: $1,500 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Emory University
Works closely with Accounts Payable
Avg. Salary: $38,000 · Company Rank: Not Available