Focus on ADL skills training: dressing, grooming/hygiene, feeding, and bathing. Home and community skills training, functional upper extremity activities, hand rehabilitation, contracture management with splinting and ROM. Energy conservation techniques and cognitive and perceptual motor training. Functional mobility with use of adaptive equipment i.e. walker, wheelchair, crutches, and cane. Wheelchair and bed positioning. Lower extremity edema management and teaching total hip replacement precautions. Co-treating patients with Physical Therapist, patient transfers requiring 1 or 2 therapists as well as safe and proper use of Hoyer when needed. Daily documentation on each patient treated and weekly documentation of each patient when applicable. Weekly consultation with OTR on progress of patients and short term goal adjustment if appropriate. Villa Las Palmas 3/1/2014 on the patient's ability to manage everyday living skills in order to maximize the level of independence in eating dressing toileting bathing and home and community skills. Safety skills care giving training and insuring an effective transition to the home environment. Educating patient on energy saving techniques with modification of activity joint protection and joint mobility maintenance of strength and total hip replacement precautions. Treatment of visual defects due to normal ageing and due to neurological insults. Following short term and long term goals set by OTR to ensure successful rehabilitation of patients. Co-treat with physical therapy and follow nursing orders. Daily documentation of all treatments. Seven + years of therapy experience within skilled nursing facilities. Two and one half years work in adult day care setting. One and one half years work experience in a locked psychiatric facility.

