Worked with CCR Combined Project Pascagoula, MS. Worked as PDS Designer to update electrical 3D project model. Responsibilities included PDS Cable Tray Design and Equipment Modeling (junction boxes, lighting panels, transformers, etc.). Interacted on a daily basis with other disciplines (piping & civil/structural) to resolve issues involving conflicts of electrical cable tray and equipment with piping and structural model. Produced Bill of Material reports on electrical and instrument cable tray in the PDS model. Modeled underground duct bank, with coordination from the civil department. Modeled cable tray and junction boxes for the instrument group. Produced cable tray and equipment location plan drawing backgrounds generated from PDS Drawing Manager. Also was responsible to instruct and give direction to the team of less experienced PDS designers in China, as this was a work share project with an office in Beijing, China. the in country team of engineers to produce general electrical drawings including one-line diagrams lighting and grounding plans motor schematic and wiring diagrams using a combination of the latest versions of AutoCAD and Microstation. Tengizchevroil (TCO) Asset Development. A workshare program between Parsons/Fluor Daniels (PFD) contracted by TCO with the lead office located in Camberly England in conjunction with offices located in Houston Atyrau Tengiz Kazakhstan and Russia. Responsibilities were to produce area classification plan drawings one-line diagrams and equipment location drawings using Microstation. Lyondell-Citgo Refining LP. Part of the on-site team at LCR generating new installation drawings and updating existing plant-wide drawings including one-line diagrams motor schematics wiring diagrams lighting and grounding plans cable tray and conduit routing plans junction box drawings and instrument/equipment location plans using AutoCAD.

