I have been a 1099 contractor since 2012. Being a contractor I understand the value of effective communication and how that can affect working under some tight deadlines. In my off time I tinkered with my business website and I found that I enjoyed it so much that I choose to continue my learning and made the switch to software development. I have dedicated myself full-time to learning Ruby, Rails, HTML5, CSS3, Angular 2, JavaScript/Typescript, and SQL. Projects/ Experience I have built a number of apps here are just a few. * A ruby on rails monolithic architecture app * This is my first rails application. * Used for tracking projects and tasks. * Used the Devise gem to implement basic authentication. * A ruby on rails monolithic architecture app. * Used for tracking overtime of salaried employees. * Used Devise, bootstrap-sass, gritter, Rspec, and many other gems * Built out functionality for a mailer and text notifications using the twillio gem. * Used in the real world * A Ruby on rails/ Angular 2 app * This is a Micro-service architecture * Using angular 2.0 for the front end and back-end by ruby on rails built API's for the backend

