RESUME SUMMARY STATEMENT * Experienced and highly skilled researcher/project manager with a broad background in chemistry, biochemistry, enzymology, protein chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, microbiology, and genetics. * 15+ diversified experiences in basic and translational research projects with various academic, industrial, and federal institutions. * Versatile, reliable, efficient, and strong leadership to oversee and manage a number of individuals and groups to ensure timely and productive completion of project while keeping on or under budget. * Successful operation and execution of research projects including drug discovery projects focused on development of antibiotics. SCIENTIFIC SKILL * Biophysics techniques (absorption, fluorescence, luminescence, Raman, CD, electron paramagnetic spectroscopy) * Biochemistry techniques (enzyme kinetic assay, protein expression & purification, electrophoresis, Immunological analyses, proteomics, protein modification) * Molecular biology techniques (PCR, qPCR, cloning, genome analysis, recombination, plasmid construction) * Translational research techniques (drug screening, structure-activity relationship analysis, liquid hander programming & operation) * Microbiology techniques (phenotype/genotype analyses, mutant isolation, recombination, transposon mutation) * Cell biology techniques (tissue culture, transfection, flow cytometry, monoclonal IgG production & modification) * Computation skill (MS Office Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Igor Pro, JChem, FlowJo, Photo Shop) PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS AND WORK Senior Research Investigator- University of Pennsylvania, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease, Philadelphia, 2009 to present * Managing a variety of research projects including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) project with the Department of Defense and a metabolism project with TB Global Alliance, NIH-funded biomedical and translational research projects (RO1, STTR), and 2016 Gates Global Grand Challenges Explorations project. * Leading a significant part of the on-going and completed projects involving drug development and screening projects against various bacterial pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klabsiella pneumonease, Enterococcus sp, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, and Francisella tularencis. * Collaborating with several pharma/biotech companies (in US, EU, and India) for anti-tuberculosis antibiotics developments in collaboration with TB Alliance. * Developing a photoacoustic imaging based diagnostic method using new Mtb targeting specific molecules to measure the total body burden of bacteria in patients * Co-developing a chip-based diagnostic technology for Mtb infection with Dr. David Issadore (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, PA) * Devising new genetic systems to monitor stochastic activity of promoters of interest using E. coli * Administrative work including writing research grants, papers, and research reports. * Business Development: Involved in R&D of a biotech company RMH Sciences LLC that was founded by Harvey Rubin, Glenn Mattes, and George D Hobbs (see below). Senior Research Scientist- RMH Sciences LCC, Philadelphia, 2012 to present * Overseeing antibiotics discovery projects against clinically important bacterial pathogens such as Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonsa aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus sp, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which were funded by BioAdvance STTR/STIR grants (NIH), Franklin Fund, and Astra Zeneca, and discovered several unique drug candidates that are under development. * Administrative work, writing grant and research proposals, research reports, presentations, patent applications, budgeting, communication with collaborators and business partners. Project Leader - ICORP "Yoshida ATP synthesis Regulation Project, " led by Prof. Masasuke Yoshida, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), Japan, 2007 to 2008 * Assisted Prof. Yoshida to initiate this project and wrote the project proposal. 1 * Responsible for planning and overseeing research projects, designing a large research facility/laboratory ~ 2000 sqf in Miraikan) and working with contractors, taking care of upper-managements, budgeting, recruitment of researchers/stuff, communication and arrangement of international collaborations (US and NZ), writing and overseeing documents and reports, communicating with media. Research manager- ERATO "Yoshida ATP synthesis Project" led by Prof. Masasuke Yoshida, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2005 to 2006 * Responsible for planning and overseeing the research projects, recruitment and management of researchers/technicians, maintenance of research facility/laboratory, writing research proposals/reports/public documents, communicating with patent office. Visiting Scientist- University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Medicine, Div. of Infectious Disease, Philadelphia, c/o Prof. Harvey Rubin, July 2005 to August 2005 Research-truck assistant Professor - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Philadelphia. 2001 to 2005 * Investigated the structure and function relationship of the NADH-quinone oxidoreductases called complex I/NDH-1 by employing various molecular genetics, biochemical, and biophysical techniques. * Instructed and taught undergrad and grad students for biochemical and microbiological studies. * Laboratory management, writing research grant proposals and scientific papers, and budgeting. Scientific and Technical adviser of EPR spectroscopy facility- University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Philadelphia. 2001 to 2005 Research Associate- University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Philadelphia. April 1999 - June 2001


Job Skills
