Career Summary and Capabilities progressive service in consumer electronic, PC Computer equipment troubleshooting and repair including 16 years of current experience troubleshooting, repair and the installation of avionics equipment on a wide range of general aviation, corporate aviation and heavy commercial aviation aircraft. The list below is a general summary but does not include everything I have worked or performed in my consumer electronics, industrial and aviation avionics career so far. Below are some of the electronics test equipment I have a developed a high degree of experience and capability using in the performance of my job and many other technical skills to perform circuit board repairs to the component level and circuit board development and design for new applications used in the consumer electronic, aviation and industrial electronic operations. ( Power supply (AC and DC) range from 0 to 70VDC with maximum current range of 1.5 to 40 Amps constant current. ( Digital multi-meters current, voltage, frequency, capacitance, inductance, continuity, temperature. ( Analog and digital storage oscilloscopes dual trace and quad trace 400 MHz bandwidth use and applications. ( Spectrum analyzers covering frequencies from 50 KHz to 10.0 GHz use and applications. ( RF signal generators 100 KHz to 1000 MHz with modulated tone and un-modulated Carrier-wave Square, Sine output. ( Audio signal generators 5Hz to 50 KHz with attenuated output Sine / Cosine, Square, Triangle Wave output.

