What I want out of work: To be a Champion, not only for myself, but also for those I work with.
How do my Associates typically see me? Supportive, Encouraging, and Proactive.
What do I have to offer? A Talent for working Cross-Functionally, a commitment to advocacy, and a wealth of experience across all Corporate Functions.
I am Innovative! I tend to be Innovative and Proactive in evaluating the essence of any particular business, it's strengths, weaknesses and in creating new ways to get things done cost effectively & profit driven. I bring confidence and I am not afraid to take risks if I believe they are in the best interest of the objective at hand.
I am Expressive! I have an Energetic Aura about me and I am quite Gregarious and outgoing. At work I draw energy and motivation from Social Interactions and Business Relationships with others.
I am Muti-Tasking! I am very effective at managing multiple projects at once and have the talent to produce results quickly. I am sharp, am a quik learner, and do not get daunted in the face of stress.
I am Collaborative! While not at a loss when working on my own, I feel I can be much more productive when I work with a Team. I believe one of the strongest assets of any organization which it seems is overlooked too often are those in the trenches. What they can bring to an organization, when the culture allows, is invaluable; a sense of comaraderie, purpose, productivity, a bonding between all functions in the organization for a common goal, revenue, profit, success.