Occupation:Quality Assurance Specialist |
Location:Rosenberg, TX |
Education Level:Associate |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary: My experience in Programming and Software Support has allow me to better understand the entire life cycle of a project. I understand the importance of utilizing the Agile Project Management in QA Testing and working with Customers, Field Service, Sales, Marketing, various levels of Management, R&D, and other Groups and know the importance of Communication and Documentation.. With QA, one must think outside the realms of the software to do stress testing, as well as unit testing, regression testing, and acceptance testing. With Agile Project Management, a better product is developed to ensure better sales and profits for the company. Software Support has allowed me to better understand situations at customer sites that field engineers and sales face. I have indirectly managed 12 engineers at Agilent Technologies, and currently manage 3 at Twinwood (U.S.).