

Dhieu W

Network Administrator


Network Administrator


Arlington, TX

Will Relocate:



CAREER SUMMARY Over 5 years*fexperience: managing and operating depa�� uents wi�@n computer consuIting firms PrOViding*d SyStem anaIysis and design, instalIation*fteS�tg, training, and support of systemslnetworks, and applications in a mu'juser corporate company envIrOnment" M-� . Actjvely involved jn a=�� ong/De-K �ng Depa��1e'�t OPerat'OnS managed dayLtO-day\aCti-Zes of up to forty serviee/support empioyees. Directed: CuStOmer Service��nvento*uy, and technicai support functions. *E Chief negotiator for department proposaIs, enSu��g best price and service availabIe*E Presiding ove*u, from initiai contract negotiation, tO fina=mpiementation, and on-gOing operations. . Hands-On invoivement in: qua=ty contro'�raining/supervising, inventory control, and customer support. *E Successfu=y negotiated long-term contraCtS, with vendo*uS*fregarding qua=ty/pricing of parts inventory" . C��er ~ �i*u"�ai systsm analysis, asSeSSing needs and FeSOMng any issues re��ed to �rious applicat'�n, d�Zjgn and development P*uovided des�lin 'and implemen"�tion of LANS/WAN ~, Fileservers ��nd Wo*uketation$ d'�eloped end-use*u traini��and documenfat'�n of�fste'�'�and custome*u SuPPOrt andservice. " We=-VerSed in the design of networking systems. Supplied back-uP and documentation of computer and security systems. . P*uoven performance reco*ud that *uesulted in increased productivity and saIes revenue*E '�RAINING AND SUPPOR'� " E*eensjve experienc-�n/ and kno-Zedge of"�electronic'Domputer dewices, and fiber��tic�T trained and SuPPOrted comp��y technicjans in all aspec'�of"�System anaiysis, design, SetuP, troubleshootjng � maintenance and repair, and upgrade. . Trained end-uSerS, maSte*u thei*u knowiedge ofthe system, and secu*ue thei*u pro�mency in its app=cations and techniques in *uecord time*E " P*uovided c=ents company-wide training, aS needed and requested, On SyStemS Service and support. *� �zed both forma 'cIassroom se �ngs and one-On-One PerSOna=nstruction. *E Des"�ned and deveioped [rain��g cu*uriculum and mater �s*B uSed in t-�ining clients��n use of netwo*uking 5ystBmS. CUSTOMER RELATiONS . Pe*usona=y handIed: On-Site anaiysis, inspection, and implementation of proposed soluttons for nume*uous c=ents throughout the Da=as/Ft, Worth Area. *E Cuitivated and maintained professjonai relationships with key personneI*E Worked cIoseiy with end- users to analyze current softwareIhardware requi*uements, and p*uesented programs �ardware to satisfy that need prOVided technieaL support and end-user docunental'�'� E ' Maintained exce=e'�CuStOmer Servic��'�On SPeC �requirements and service issues, . aCcommOdating CuStOme \s s��aI needs*wequests and standard needs*E *E Used dipIomacy and fact��n a*a s��ations, to"�enSu �CUStomerSatisfaction, PromOte gOOd w��and ensu*ue *uepea*oeferraI business � *� Monitored servi � qua �y involved in da=y contact w��empIoyees/customers to troubieshoot and resoive p*uObIems. Success��=y resoIved questions and concems. '�ROUBLESHOOTiNG'��QAiN'�EtVANCE . Qua��ed to provide support and service on data arrd IVOice networking archifectures*B P��'� �^" -pAN technoiQgy' and da-Rba ~e-�PP=cations. *E Assumed 24-hour on-Ca*a responsm �y, forkey pr*Bjects, d'�� ng bom beta &-�mplementation phaSeS" . Managed, SuPPOrted, and majntalned network systems ProViding both on-Site and telephone support. . Maintalned and updated secu��y systems, aS neCeSSary, and when key empIoyees left the company. . Provided backup procedures to ensure hardwa*ue/software utiIization, at maXimum capacity*fand to minim'�ze loss of productjon time to a= use*us.





