Occupation:Preschool or Child Care Center Administrator |
Education Level:Doctorate |
Will Relocate:YES |
COVER LETTER: Dear Superintendent Antwan Wilson, My name is Dorothy Udoh. My husband and I reside in our home in District 6 of Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). I am a naturalized American citizen. I have been an educator most of my adult life with teaching experiences at elementary, Secondary and University levels. I have been a STIP Substitute Teacher with OUSD since 2002. In 2010, I was interviewed for the position of Intervention Specialist, passed, and was posted to Burkhalter Elementary School, K - 2 autism class. OUSD Human Resources stipulated that under no circumstances would I leave my designated teacher, my assigned classroom, and my assigned school without the written authorization of OUSD Human Resources. When my assigned class teacher and the principal began harassing and bulling me to transfer from K - 2 autism class to Pre K autism class, I reported the matter to Human Resources. This offended the principal. Following that incident, the principal has made herself an impediment to my personal and professional welfare. When I was seriously hurt in K - 2 Autism class at Burkhalter Elementary school and needed emergency medical care, the principal openly told me she did not hire me, did not call an ambulance for me but told me to phone my husband to come and take me to hospital emergency. There are no perfect people in our world. I have been highly stressed out, angered by the power plays of the principal which has created an unhealthy work environment for me. I have experienced lots of ups and downs at Burkhalter Elementary school. I have been patient and hopeful that Principal Gathers would change her unprofessional behavior towards me. I applied for a Teaching Position in 2013 upon completion of my Education Specialist Credential in Early Childhood Special Education (Level One). OUSD invited me to a 3- phase interview. I passed both phase One and Phase Two interviews. When Principal Gathers became aware that I was invited to the Phase 3 interview, she interjected herself in the interview process. First she stopped the OUSD scheduled interview. She claimed she was the rightful party to conduct the interview. Months passed but Principal Gathers would not set up or conduct my interview. It became clear to me that she was blocking my interview. The Principal relented only at the intervention of Oakland Education Association {OEA} union president. My interview was carried out but the Principal (Ms. Gathers) has found a way to prevent the release of the result of my interview. I have tried to get relief from Principal Gathers harassment to no avail. That is why I write this letter mentioning a few examples of Principal Gather's unprofessional behavior toward me. I am tired of this terrible treatment. I sincerely and honestly want you to help resolve this conflict situation. I truly believe that justice should be a reality for everybody. Sincerely yours Dorothy Udoh Ph.D.


Job Skills
