Occupation:Clinical Research |
Location:Collegeville, PA |
Education Level:Doctorate |
Will Relocate:YES |
-duties -duties included routine histology. Sakura tissue processors were routinely used, and embedding was performed on Tissue Tek II embedding center. Sectioned on a Microm microtome at 4.5 microns. Routine stains performed on Sakura and Shandon autostainers. Special stains were performed manually and often from premade kits. Coverslipping was performed by hand as well. Anatomic pathology computer system was Co-Path. Cytologies were performed by the histologist as well. A Thin Prep cytology system was used. Immunohistochemistry was performed on an automated Biogenics autostainer. Position was strictly a travel job. included routine dermatopathology histology. Sakura processors were employed and skins were embedded on a Tissue Tek embedding center. Types of dermatology specimens worked with: shave biopsies punch biopsies and elipse biopsies (including dog eared notched and with and without sutures). Blocks were sectioned at four microns on both SurgiPath microtomes and Thermo Shandon microtomes. Routines stains performed automated while specials were manual. Histologist was also responsible for grossing all specimens. Specimens were measured dictated on paper and inked according to protocol. Immunohistochemistry was performed on a Ventana Benchmark automated immunostainer. Position was strictly a travel job . -duties included routine histology was performed. Tissue fixation on a sakura tissue processing station. Embedding was performed on a tissue tek II embedding center and sectioning on a Leica 2060 microtome at four microns. Routine stains were on a leica autostainer XL. Special stains were performed by hand. Computer system was Co-Path. Frozen stains were performed on a Leica cryostat at 5 microns. Immunostains were performed on a Ventana autoimmunostainer. Position was strictly a travel job. -duties included routine histology. Embedding was performed on Tissue tek II/ Sakura embedding station cut on Leica 2010 microtomes at 4 microns. Routine stains (h&e's) were on a Leica autostainer. Frozens were also perfromed on a Leica cryostat at 5 microns. Special stains were by hand and run down on the autostainer. Cover slipping was a Leica glass auto cover slipper. Computer system was Co-Path. Position was strictly a travel position. -duties included routine histology and cytology. Embedding was perormed on a Tissue tek embedding station and cut on Reichert Jung at 4 microns. Routine stains were stained on a Sakura autostainer and specials were performed mostly from a kit manually. Computer system was Co-Path. Cytologies were performed on a Thin Prep system was used for specimens. Grossing of small specimens and bx's were also performed by the histologist. Immunohistochemistries were performed on a Ventana Benchmark auto immunostainer. Position was strictly per diem. -duties included routine histological functions. Embedding was performed on a Tissue Tek II embedding center. Sectioning was peroformed on a Leica 2010 microtome at 4 microns. Special and routine stains were completed by hand. Also ran surgical pathology at the same time and was responsible for Soft-Path anatomic pathology computer system. Frozens were also performed on a Leica cryostat at 5 microns. Immunostains were performed on an Ventana carousel auto immunostainer. Position was strictly a travel position. -duties included routine histology and cytology. Embedding was performed on a Tissue tek embedding center. Cutting was performed on a Leica 2060 microtome at 4 microns for most tissue except small bx's at 2 microns. Routine stains were stained on Leica Autostainer XL special stains were performed manually both using kits and from scratch. Frozen sections were received and frozen with OCT and cut at 5 microns on a Lecia cryostat. Grossed small tissues and bx's. This was a lead tech position and all QA/QC was performed as well also instrumental in implementing SOP's for frozen sectioning techniques and protocols. Immunostains were performed on a Dakocytomation auto immunostainer. Position was strictly a travel position. -duties included general histology cytology grossing and immunohistochemistry functions. Embedding was performed on a Tissue tek embedding center sectioning was performed on a Reichert Jung microtome at 4 microns. Frozen sections were performed on a Leica cyrostat at five microns. Special stains were performed manually routine stains were performed on a Sakura carousel autostainer. Grossing was performed on a Thermo Shandon grossing station. Immunostains were performed on a Ventana auto immunostainer. -duties included freezing lung and gut sections cryosectioning making glutaraldehyde sections plastic sectioning performing immunostaining as well as immunohistochemistry small animal surgery (assisting with large animal surgery) keeping meticulous journals on said research topics and formulating protocols. Additional duties included working with investigators to prepare papers in research and scientific journals as well as obtaining grants for the pulmonary research department. Was instrumental in setting up the automated IHC program for the school. Notable Professional Accomplishments:

