Samsul Said is a Photojournalist based in Kuala Lumpur. He is currently working as a “Freelance Photographer”. Samsul Said, is specializing in providing High-quality photograph, especially Photojournalism (News), Lifestyle, Travel Photography for Editorial and has strong interest in culture. He had been to Xinjiang, China in 2012 for 2 weeks to finish the special project within Malaysia-China travel magazine (Editorial) and represent Malaysia for judging “Xinjiang through the lens” for 12 country in China. Samsul also received a Hostile Environment training course for 5 days in Bangkok under Dynamic company organized by Reuters. His work was publish in Time Magazine, Wasington Post, USA Today, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The huffingston Post, Boston Big Pictures, L.A Times, Bangkok Post, The New York Times Online, China Daily, Lavanguardia, Media Indonesia, Jakarta Post, National Post, International Herald Tribune, Globe and Mail Canada, The Wall Street Journal, The National Post, Times of Oman, Times of India, REUTERS Our World Book (Volume 5) and local newspaper and Magazine such as The Star, The Sun, The News Straits Times Press, The Malay Mail, Sinar Harian, Libur, Dewan Masyarakat (Magazine) and Dewan Budaya (Magazine) and now he’s Stringer (Freelance basis) at Reuters Pictures and Getty Images News Asia Pacific in Kuala Lumpur.

