PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: I am currently working as Research Assistant Professor at the university of Texas A&M - Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IRM) Temple, TX. After obtaining PhD in Neuroscience in 2003, I joined Duke University, Durham NC for post-doctoral training and in the year 2011, joined as faculty at Texas A & M. From past several years my research mainly focused on comprehending the pathophysiology and employing cell therapies, exosome based therapies and neuroprotective strategies to enhance functional recovery and augment cognitive and mood functions in a variety of neurological disorders such as chronic temporal lobe epilepsy, traumatic brain injury & blast related injuries and in a rodent model of Gulf war syndrome. My research also involves understanding the pathophysiology and stem cell activates in a normal aging and employing treatment strategies to boost stem cell activities and cognitive and mood functions in elderly. I am well acquainted with all state of the art research techniques and research paradigms (both in vivo and in vitro) such as tissue culture based assays, growing neural stem cells from a variety of human and rodent cell types and employing them in cell based therapies, developing rodent CNS disease models, administration of test compounds, performing stereotaxic survival surgery, assessment cognitive and mood function using computer tracked behavioral tests, video EEG recordings, tissue collection, processing, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, quantifications using stereology and neurolucida software and performing biochemical and molecular biology assays. So far, I have authored 47 publications in peer reviewed neuroscience journals, and presented my work in numerous national and international meetings and served as an external examiner for thesis evaluation in other universities, reviewer for several neuroscience and stem cell related journals. I am also engaged in mentoring under graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, technicians and lab management duties in addition to my own busy research assignments.


- experienced neuroscientist
- Assistant/associate professor
- biomedical project manager
- Project scientist preclinical studies
- Stem cell biologist
- preclinical studies
- Epilepsy and traumatic brain injury research
- Scientific writing
- senior scientist
- behavioral neuroscientist
- Cell therapies
- in vito and in vivo techniques
- Animal models of human disease
- histology and immunohistochemistry
- Confocal microscopy
- EEG recording and analyses
- traumatic brain injuy
- Neuroprotection
- Neurogenesis
- Neural stem cells