Occupation:Construction Trade Worker Manager |
Location:Fort Worth, TX |
Education Level:Trade School |
Will Relocate:No |
Seven years senior correctional officer,One and a half years crew chief amored car service,five years mechanic/welder City of Fort Worth,one year lead inspector auction marshalling yard,one and a half years maintenance mechanic FTW.Housing Authority,one year maintenance mechanic printing company,six years business owner cellular phones/beeper store (2),present maintenance manager fuel testing company, also insurance adjuster 1708 license,certified welder,EPA universal certification HVAC,notary public,veit nam veteran,+ others

EPA universal certification HVAC - Insurance adjuster 1708 license-certified welderCompanies I like:
any paying that will hire over 55 would like something with some driving/delivery or a/c work or maintenance facilities or mechanical

