Areas of Expertise: Translation. Media Monitoring. News Writing & Editing * Reporting * Scientific Research *Voiceovers Teaching * Fiction/Non-fiction Writing * English, Arabic & Kurdish Fluency Thorough knowledge of Iraqi, Kurdish, and Middle Eastern political, economic, and cultural issues. The objectives of my writings, reports and work in the media were to strengthen civil societies, promote democracy, free market values, and support the campaigns to eliminate international terrorism. Author of 4 books: Journalism: Values and Principles: Strategy and mechanisms for the development of contemporary media in Kurdistan. Nonfiction book (Arabic) Kurdish Phrasebook and Culture. (English), A Beginner's Guide to Developing Essential Communication The Legend of Kawa. A Children's short story book (English) The Land of Ardosia. A Children's short story book (English)\
- Editor
- Translator
- Arabic
- Kurdish
- Kurmanji
- Analyst
- Media Monitor
- Instructor
- Research
- English Language
- Environmental Issues
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- Link
- Monitoring
- Support
- Research
- HyperText Markup Language
- Communication Skills
- English Language
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- Link
- Monitoring
- Environmental Issues
- Research
- Voice
- Communication Skills
- English Language
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- Internet