SUMMARY SENIOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DESIGNER WITH EXPERTISE IN DESIGNING VARIOUS TYPES of pc boards. Organized with excellent communication skills, that has worked independently under general supervision of engineering department. Responsible for all aspects of PCB design department. Strengths include developing dense analog and high speed digital boards with complex design requirements. * Principal designer for Trinix Router System the top revenue-producing product. * Self-taught UNIX and developed scripts to automate documentation process. * Instituted a feedback procedure for board fabricators and assembly houses to document issues during processes, which reduced board proto cycles. Other Relevant Skills * 15 years using Cadence Concept/Allegro * Understanding of basic electronic principals * Ability to create and update schematics * Library creation - schematic components and pcb footprints * Knowledge of constraints - ability to determine and enter in pcb layout * Impedance control, Differential pairs, Timing issues * Matched lengths, DDR layout, clocks * OrCad experience * Autocad experience * RF Design Experience * Blind and buried vias * Flexible pcb's


Job Skills
