SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS 27yrs U.S. Army retired, held government Top Secret Security Clearance, served Operation enduring freedom, Operation Iraqi freedom, 1 yr Guantanamo Bay Cuba, responsible for detainee control, Liberation of Kuwait, 911 -1991 attack on America, Superior performance recognition by command staff for two consecutive years, Communications/ people etiquette, numerous performance/appreciation awards. To include but not limited to: Logistics property management of over 100 thousand dollars in weapons-9mm, 45mm, M2 .50cal, and M249 Duties: Provide security for Multi-billion dollar oil facility and provider of electricity and natural gas responsible for prompt communication with the heads of security in event there is an emergency or security breach, notify on duty specialist of any camera malfunction, monitored CCTV access control card readers, gates and other security related equipment. Roving vehicle patrol on a 100 acre installation, maintain and verify link with security plaza, all active security posts, master control, monitor houses, facility employees, authorized contractors, conduct searches of any vehicle, person or package, work vehicle access of a 4 way gates for employee, visitors, and contractors for construction purposes. Provide Access authorization for contractors, and visitors, emergency vehicles, provided authorization after orientation. Guide and assist emergency and delivery vehicles, US Security Associates Metropolitan Security-2012-2013 Protect personnel, commercial property and surrounding community property

