To Whom It May Concern I have over 25 years experience in the corporate and charter aviation fields and over 14,500 hours in fixed wing aircraft, of which over 14,000 hours are as Pilot-In-Command. I have over 8,000 hours in Turbojet aircraft, of which over which over 6,500 hours are in LR35's. I have over 1500 hours in the BE200. I have established procedures for preparing budgets and tracking costs; scheduled and overseen maintenance and coordinated flight operations with multiple aircraft. I have also worked within established procedures for the above. Although I do not have an A&P, I have worked closely with maintenance personnel in accomplishing scheduled and unscheduled tasks. Relocation is not an issue. I am Airline Transport Rated with a LRJET type rating and a First Class Physical. I would be willing to fund recurrency. Please call me at(C)661-435-5233 if you need further information about my experience. Sincerely Stephen Chasten

