Occupation:Cutting & Slicing Machine Operator |
Location:Las Vegas, NV |
Education Level:Associate |
Will Relocate:YES |
Objectiv e To find employ ment in a friendly work env ironment that offers new challenges and opportunities and to utilize my experience, skills, and knowledge from nearly eight y ears of retail management experience. Business Qualifications Organized and implemented the opening of a major retail establishment. Exceptional listener and communicator who effectiv ely conv ey s information v erbally and in writing. Computer-literate performer. Flexible team play er who thriv es in env ironments requiring ability to effectiv ely prioritize and juggle multiple projects. Innov ativ e problem-solv er who can generate workable solutions and resolv e complaints. Results-driv en achiev er with exemplary planning and organizational skills, along with a high degree of detail orientation. Highly adaptable, mobile, positiv e, resilient, patient risk-taker who is open to new ideas. Productiv e worker with solid work ethic who exerts optimal effort in successfully completing tasks. Enthusiastic, knowledge-hungry learner, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts. Conscientious go-getter who is highly organized, dedicated, and committed to professionalism.
